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俄罗斯工业 四

已有 107 次阅读2022-10-18 22:15 |个人分类:全球化




There is no doubt Mr Putin will focus on the economy and will promise change.  Personally, I think that Russia's neighbor China has fully developed light industry providing products to almost whole world, Russia does not have to have a perfect balanced economy. Russia should find its own advantage and focus on these areas , such as agriculture, cultural products, and the high-tech creations, while maintaining oil and gas, chemicals, machinery manufacturing. Some industries directly related to natural resources, such as mines, oil, and so on, should in conjunction with other countries, carry out rational, industrial distribution on a global scale. Russia is more conservative and less welcoming to immigrants. It is cold, not suitable for all kinds of people permanent living. Maybe Russia can develop some seasonal, abroad market-oriented jobs. In the decades that followed, the military Industry will go down gradually, so the high level working force can be converted to commercial areas, such as aerospace, transportations, etc. Russia is a big country rich in culture, maybe Russia can have much more creativities prospectives in this field, mixing European Asian and domestic ethnic cultures. 






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