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已有 80 次阅读2022-10-10 20:12 |个人分类:全球化

我不确切也不知道俄罗斯控制外国游客签证的目的。如果是出于安全目的,那些信息会进入芯片级别,从而渗透到任何边境签证控制阻拦设施。所以你认为如果你穿更多的外套,你可以阻止病毒侵入吗?如果这是为了表明俄罗斯是特别的,你希望游客花时间更多地关注海关美丽的官员 - 窗户后面的年轻女士,他们用古典的放大镜优雅地看护照签证,(他们能找到什么?也许男朋友?)你为什么不放更多的时尚杂志,甚至在机场也表演芭蕾舞剧?我去过的大多数国家都有电子签证,包括印度。有些人可以立即获得落地签证,如埃及,柬埔寨。到中国的10年多次入境签证只需$140美元,而俄罗斯一次签证需要花费$200美元,需要两周时间。这个世界越来越国际化。如果有一些创意项目正在进行,工程,生物,医疗,建筑,教育,艺术,文化等, 看是什么项目,有些可能不到两周已经完成,其他人还在等待具体的俄罗斯签证下来呢! 别担心,耐心等待!


I do not know exactly the purpose for Russia to control visas for foreign visitors. If it is for security purposes, that information comes to chip level penetrating any border visa control barriers. So you think if you wear more coats, you can stop the virus? If this is to show Russian is special, and you want visitors to pay more attention on beautiful customs officials — young ladies behind the windows, who looks at passport visa elegantly with a classic magnify, ( what can they find from passport? Maybe boyfriend? ) Why don’t you put more fashion magazines, even have ballet shows in the airport? Most countries that I have been to, have electronic visas, including India. Some you can get landing visa right away, like Egypt, Cambodia. And 10 years multi entry visa to China is only $140, while Russian one entry visa costs $200 taking two weeks. This world is getting more international. If there are some creative projects going on, in engineering, biological, Medical, constructional, educational, Art, cultural, etc. Depends on the projects, some may have already finished less than two weeks, while others are still waiting for a solid Russian visa to go inside. Don’t worry, be patient!






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