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已有 90 次阅读2022-6-25 21:34 |个人分类:全球化

犹太人最早创造了信仰和一套宗教系统!中国只有孔子道家等等学说 The Jews first created faith and a religious system! China only has Confucius Taoist and other doctrines.


以色列有悠久的历史,很多都有在希伯来圣经、旧约、新约上记载着。居说在中国西安地区,挖地三尺就可能找到古董,那在以色列更是这样,到哪里,这是什么古迹,那是什么圣迹,看得见巴比伦、拜占庭、罗马、伊斯兰各种建筑。看见那一帮外来的基督徒们每到一处都是那么地激动,无论是耶路撒冷的基督背十字架的最后三里,还是在北部,在珈南,好像在追寻历历在目历史一般. 我记不住那些故事,但是当我看见博物馆里死海手卷的时候,这是要比中国竹简,甲骨文都还早的历史文字记录,我禁不住肃然起敬了! 以色列是三大宗教的源头。犹太人是聪明有创造力和智慧的,想想看,是犹太人最早创造了宗教,谁都可以拜神,可是要有信仰和一套宗教系统,那就不同凡响了!中国只有孔子道家等等学说,并没有一套完整的宗教信仰系统。从中可见,犹太人不光只是脚踏实地以温饱为目的的种族,也许因为地处欧亚非中心,信息,人种,文化丰富. 犹太人又颠沛流离,需要有凝聚族群的向心力. 而且当文化发展趋向高层次就非常注重精神层面的内容,所以创造了宗教发展出一套信仰。而且我想,基督教是犹太教扎根欧洲的本土化变种,伊斯兰教是犹太教在阿拉伯半岛的本土化变种,是宗教的扩展。这可能要请教那些宗教人士和当地的大学问家和历史学家。亲爱的习主席,88,下次有机会请他们来上世界政坛好吗?

Israel has a long history, many of which are recorded in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. In Xi'an, China, it is possible to find antiques when digging three feet down. This is even more true in Israel. Where is this story, what is this monument, what is the sacred trace, and the buildings of Babylon, Byzantium, Rome, and Islam? I saw groups of foreign Christians were so excited everywhere, whether it was the last three miles of the cross of Christ in Jerusalem, or in the north, in Canaan, they seem to be pursuing so vivid history. I cannot remember those stories, but when I saw the Dead Sea Hand Roll in the museum, it was a historical record that was earlier than the Chinese Bamboo Slips and Oracle. I can't help it with distinctive respect! Israel is the source of the three major religions. Jews are smart, creative, and intelligent. Think about it. It is the Jews who first created religion. Anyone can worship God. But if you have faith and a religious system, it will be different! There are only Confucius Taoists and so on in China, and there is no complete system of religious beliefs. It can be seen that the Jews are not only the races for the purpose of food and clothing, but because they are located in the center of Europe, Asia and Africa, with information, ethnicity and culture. The Jews are displaced and need to have the centripetal force of the ethnic group. Focusing on the content of the spiritual level, so created a set of beliefs in the development of religion. And I think that Christianity is a localized variant of Judaism rooted in Europe. Islam is a localized variant of Judaism in the Arabian Peninsula and an extension of religion. This may ask those religious figures and local university scholars and historians. Dear President Xi, 88, will you have the opportunity to invite them to the world political forum next time?






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