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已有 102 次阅读2022-6-25 21:31 |个人分类:全球化

以色列就是美国在中东的代理人 Israel is the agent of the United States in the Middle East.
以色列是圣地,耶路撒冷是犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教汇集的圣城. 我去过以色列,喜欢吗?那当然!还想带Jackie也去。只是谁付钱?中国有五千年的文明,可是犹太人有六千年历史. 听过一个笑话,问 “那这早了的一千年,犹太人如何过?” 答曰 “没有中国菜吃!” 哈哈哈,可见犹太人历史之悠久和中国的美食声名远扬. 以色列在地中海东岸,像一把匕首插在中东伊斯兰世界,北部是留着牛奶和蜂蜜的肥沃的土地,南部是缺水干旱绵延几百里的沙漠。沙漠之中是举世闻名的永远沉不死的死海。到了红海,那又是另一番海滨城市现代化的景象. 西部沿地中海有特拉维夫这样的大城市,可是为了安全,游艇旅游、海上贸易,在那儿却不那么发达. 那片水域那么地安静,平静广阔的幽兰水面,居然看不到一艘船. 在美国,犹太人是最有钱的,所以在我的想象中,以色列一定是像瑞士这样的富裕国家,可是到了以色列有点大失所望, 跟中国差不多,缺少规划,也是乱糟糟的。一问,原来那儿有很高的税负,为什么呀?因为政府要花很多的军费,维持军队,去向美国买武器!搞明白了,以色列就是美国在中东的代理人啊。

Israel is a holy place, Jerusalem is a holy city of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I have been to Israel; do I like it? Of course! I also want to bring Jackie to go too. Just who pays for it? China has 5,000 years of civilization, but the Jews have a history of 6,000 years. I heard a joke and asked, "How did the Jews live in this thousand years?" Answer "No Chinese food!" Hahaha, long Jewish history and Chinese cuisine are famous. Israel is on the east coast of the Mediterranean, like a dagger inserted in the Islamic world of the Middle East, the fertile land with milk and honey in the north, and the desert with hundreds of miles of water shortage in the south. Among the deserts is the world-famous Dead Sea that you will never sink die. In the Red Sea, it is another scene of the modernization of the coastal city. The west has a big city Tel Aviv in the Mediterranean, but for safety, yacht, tourism, maritime, trade, not so developed there. The water is so quiet and calm. In the vast blue waters can’t see a ship. In the United States, Jews are the richest, so in my imagination, Israel must be a rich country like Switzerland, but I was a bit disappointing in Israel. Almost like China, the lack of planning is also a mess. Asked local people, it turned out that there is a high tax burden, why? Because the government has to spend a lot of military expenses, maintain the army, and buy weapons from the United States! I understand that Israel is the agent of the United States in the Middle East.

我们的内滕雅虎总理,跟我一样也是理工科背景MIT毕业,分量轻重心里可是非常清楚, 而且是要以色列自己掏钱来买武器的. 美国老大真能做生意。在以色列旅游的时候,到处碰见韩国的旅游团,因为基督教是韩国的国教,所以有大批的韩国基督徒去以色列访问胜地. 因为基督教是世界上最大的宗教,以色列人又尽大可能地保存了圣经中所描述的故事圣迹地点,所以来自世界各地的游客络绎不绝,犹太人真有商业头脑。

Our Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is also a graduate of MIT in science and engineering. He is very aware of the weight; it needs Israel to pay for weapons itself. The American boss can really do business. When I was traveling in Israel, I met Korean tour groups everywhere. Because Christianity is the national religion of South Korea, a large number of Korean Christians go to Israel to visit the resort. Because Christianity is the largest religion in the world, the Israelis have preserved sites described in the Bible The stories as much as possible, so there are endless streams of tourists from all over the world. Jews are really business-minded.






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