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已有 73 次阅读2022-6-23 21:31 |个人分类:全球化

加拿大有太多可以讲的东西。今天只能讲一部分。英属哥伦比亚有广袤的平原,连绵的森林,非常像俄国,西海岸的旅游业,有无与伦比的优势。去中国问国内的人,没有几个人知道加拿大落基山的美丽. 中国的北疆有可以跟加拿大落基山比美的资源,可还是逊色一些. 加拿大比美国还大,可惜人太少了, 开车去Calgary, 不见人影, 看见有中国人开发的参田,种那些在华人世界里非常受推崇的售价很贵的人参. 东北是中国的粮仓,我不知道加拿大西部的土地可耕性如何,如果只种一季的话,那边也可以是大粮仓。温哥华靠近西雅图,西雅图是美国的软件工业中心,如果加拿大开放移民,尤其开放软件信息IT产业,可不可以和西雅图的软件产业相结合呢?应该在那边建一个北美西海岸的数据库,可以个性化监控每个人的健康状况,小孩教育等等。也可以监控海洋气候土壤等等变化。那边冬天冷,有没有可能和印度、日本合作,可以让这些软件工程师夏天去加拿大,冬天去印度,或者其他温暖的地方?一年四季可以到处跑,多开心!也许那边还可以开发森林造纸业,渔业,设药厂。其实美国没有几个亚洲人概念里的大城市,在西雅图的时候,公寓后面的林子里经常有鹿出没的,也许可以在加拿大那边办农场饲养鹿,可作为大陆餐饮大市场里的一个肉的选项,可以开发不同的旅游项目,凡是普京大帝玩过的项目都有吸引力,比如去打猎,钓鱼,采山货!已经有很多的香港人住在温哥华,近年也有很多上海人,多一点人去,才有人气呢!

Canada has too much to say. I can only talk a part today. British Columbia has vast plains, rolling forests, much like Russia, and tourism on the West Coast, with unparalleled advantages. When I went to China to ask Chinese, few people knew the beauty of the Canadian Rockies. China’s northern Xinjiang has resources that can be compared with the Canadian Rockies. It is still inferior. Canada is bigger than the United States, but unfortunately there are too few people, driving to Calgary, no one is seen. Seeing the Chinese-developed ginseng fields, the ginseng is very popular in the Chinese world. The northeast is China's granary, I don't know how arable land in western Canada, if you only plant one season, it can also be a large granary. Vancouver is close to Seattle. Seattle is the software industry center in the United States. If Canada is open to immigration, especially for people working in software information IT industry, can it be combined with the software industry in Seattle? A database on the West Coast of North America should be built there to personally monitor everyone's health, child education, and more. It is also possible to monitor changes in marine climate soils and the like. Winter is cold there, is it possible to cooperate with India and Japan or China, can these software engineers go to Canada in the summer, go to India in winter, or other warm places? They can rotate around all year round, how happy! Maybe there are forest paper-making industry, fishery, and pharmaceutical factory. In fact, there are not many big cities like those in Asian in the United States. In Seattle, there is often deer in the forest behind my apartment. Maybe you can setup farm on the Canadian side to raise deer which can be used as new meat source in the mainland food market. The options can be used to develop different tourism projects. All the projects that Putin the Great has played are attractive, such as hunting, fishing, and mountain hiking, nuts picking! There are already many Hong Kong people living in Vancouver. In recent years, there are also many Shanghainese there. When more people go there, it will be popular!






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