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已有 73 次阅读2022-6-23 21:28 |个人分类:全球化

站在高山之巅,心目中有一尘不染神圣的天堂, 把所有尘世的烦恼抛开了, 从此看淡很多事情,忘却很多事情。Standing on the top of the mountain, there is spotless sacred heaven in my mind, throwing away all the troubles of the world. Since bearish a lot of things, forget a lot of things.
加拿大西部最美的当然是落基山。在我没有去过青藏高原之前,落基山是我见到过的最高的山,高耸入云;是我见到的最纯净的碧水,寒彻心菲. 后来我又去了南美的Patagonia, 于是我又发呆了,原来地球的南北两极是这么相似的呀。都是有千年以上的冰川,以及冰水融化形成的纯净蓝色的湖。站在高山之巅,面对一尘不染的天堂之水,好像可以把灵魂都洗涤干净,在那个时候,我突然领悟了,为什么西藏路上有那么多可以一步一拜的虔诚的朝圣者,因为他们心目中有那个一尘不染神圣的天堂。我一个人默默地站在那儿,面对高高的雪山,沉静清澈的湖水,一下子把所有尘世的烦恼抛开了,把心绪的灰尘除去了. 从此看淡很多事情,忘却很多事情。

The most beautiful thing in Western Canada is of course the Rocky Mountains. Before I had been to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Rocky Mountain was the highest mountain I had ever seen, towering into the clouds; it was the purest clear water I saw, and it was cold and fragrant. Later I went to Patagonia in South America, so I was in a daze, the original north and south poles of the Earth are so similar. They all had glaciers with more than a thousand years of history, and pure blue lakes formed by the melting of ice water. Standing on the top of the mountain, facing the spotless water of heaven, it seemed my soul was washed clean. At that time, I suddenly realized why there are so many devout pilgrims on the Tibetan road one step, one knee down worshipping at a time, because there is a heaven that is spotless and sacred in their hearts. I stood there silently, facing the high snow-capped mountains, the quiet and clear water of the lake, suddenly throwing away all the troubles of the earth, removing the dust of my mind.  Since then, bearish a lot of things, forget a lot of things. 


如果你们有空,一生一定要到那儿去一次. Jackie三岁的时候我曾带她和我的父母去过一次。过了两年又带她去,当她在冰川上行走的时候,她告诉我“妈妈,我以前来过这里” 真的,这个小女孩冰雪聪明,记性多好!

If you have time, you must go there at least once in your life. When Jackie was three years old, I took her and my parents there the first time. After two years, I took her again. When she was walking on the glacier, she told me "Mom, I have been here before." Really, this little girl is smart and clever, with such a good memory!

美洲西北有专门的季节是三文鱼回归的季节. 看着那些奋不顾身逆流而上的三文鱼, 心里感慨万千。这是父母为繁衍后代而有的不屈不挠的生命力, 只有做父母的才会理解. 问自己, 我还回得去吗?

There is a special season in the northwestern part of the country that is the season for salmon to return. Looking at the salmon that did not care about the current, I was filled with emotion. This is the indomitable vitality of parents for the reproduction of their offspring. Only parents can understand. Ask myself, can I still go back China?






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