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zt:『珍寶幣』惹爭議 亞市市議員鄂志超試圖撇清關係

发表于 2015-9-13 15:34:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
『珍寶幣』惹爭議 亞市市議員鄂志超試圖撇清關係
洛杉磯時間:2015-9-11 消息來源:洛杉磯時報

聯邦調查局(FBI)目前正在調查『珍寶幣』Gemcoin投資者的索賠。 (照片來源:Allen J. Schaben攝/洛杉磯時報)

據洛杉磯時報2015年9月10日,7:31PM報導,今年早些時候,在一群美國本地的華文電視和廣播記者們的面前,亞卡迪亞市議員鄂志超(John Wuo)講述了一個名為『珍寶幣』Gemcoin的投資機會,脈承比特幣的一種數字貨幣。他說這是一個“突破性的金融投資方式”。

“這是最先進的”,鄂志超(John Wuo)在『珍寶幣』Gemcoin高管們簇擁下說,“這對于發展我們的經濟有很大的潛力。”

另一次,在五月份的一次會議上,鄂志超(John Wuo)登上講臺並慷慨地讚美史蒂夫陳(Steve Chen)- 推出該貨幣的公司的創辦人,稱他為所見過的“最思維敏捷的思考者之一”。

而現今,鄂志超(John Wuo)正在試圖與那個公司疏遠距離,用他自己的話說,一群『珍寶幣』Gemcoin的持有者們在抱怨他們的投資現在一文不值,而且(這個公司)的唯一收入來源是新投資人的錢。

“我沒有做任何事情。我跟他們沒有任何關聯,” 鄂志超(John Wuo)這么說,“他們”指的是『珍寶幣』Gemcoin。

鄂志超(John Wuo)說,他已要求該公司從宣傳材料中刪除自己的形象,並稱是亞卡迪亞市的一家公司-- 美國高級投資藝術公司(U.S. Fine Investment Arts Inc)未經允許,擅自使用他的形象。他給該公司做的一些發言,只是他出任市長/市議員,數以百計的禮節性出場講話中的一部分罷了。


亞卡迪亞市的一些居民們批評鄂志超(John Wuo)代表『珍寶幣』Gemcoin所做的講話,并聲稱鄂志超(John Wuo)已經濫用了他的政治人物身份,以幫助該公司。鄂志超(John Wuo)的政治對手們也已經抓住了這些演講事件,以此來準備罷免鄂志超(John Wuo)的公職。

有專家們說,政客們在涉及到當地企業時,往往面臨一種平衡。促進當地商業發展是每個政治家的工作一部分,從事政府研究的無黨派非盈利中心前主席Robert Stern如是說。但正確的動機很重要,他補充說。

“現在的問題是,[民選官員]這樣做是為了城市的利益還是公司的利益?” Robert Stern表示。

USFIA(U.S. Fine Investment Arts Inc)高管們將『珍寶幣』Gemcoin描述成媲美常旅客里程的獎勵制度。該公司銷售的實際是真實的寶石,然后公司獎勵的Gemcoin價值則是根據實際有多少寶石被購買,Andy Beal,USFIA公司法律顧問,在一封電子郵件中說。客戶通過出售寶石和招募更多的人成為賣家來賺錢。

獎勵系統將則在年底被轉換為一種cryptocurrency,或數字貨幣,目前,『珍寶幣』Gemcoins只能用于贖回/抵用“公司的產品和服務,” Andy Beal如是說。

針對『珍寶幣』Gemcoin的索賠是沒有真正的金錢來支撐的,Andy Beal繼續說。



邁克爾.劉(Miachael Liu)說他自己,他的家人和朋友在2013年向USFIA投資了$350,000。在2013年時,USFIA的產品和公司,卻還是不同的中文名字。

他說,該公司發布的在網上的宣傳材料讓他相信是個好的投資。 USFIA的母公司,聯合金融集團(Alliance Financial Group),聲稱有$500億的資產,2000名員工,200萬會員,并且在多明尼加共和國有琥珀礦的盈利權利。

一個Gemcoin的網站說,聯合金融集團(Alliance Financial Group)已與美國財政部達成協議,以規範Gemcoin。劉說,他也看到過一封認可函,該公司聲稱是中國國家主席習近平親自簽署。史蒂夫陳(Steve Chen)的一家公司,與美中協商總會(the U.S. China Consultation Assn.),則是共同出現在一本小冊子上,作為中國和美國政府之間的合作努力,以改善業務關係。

劉說,鄂志超(John Wuo)所謂代言是特別讓人放心的。


幾個月後,當他的投資未能產生的承諾的利潤,劉先生說,他擔心。今年初,劉試圖要回自己的投資。他說,他向該公司的員工抱怨后,就被禁止該公司的各辦公室。上週四,劉一組投資者召開的新聞發布會上聲稱,他們對『珍寶幣』Gemcoin投資現在都已經一文不值。他們說,他們代表一組據稱是超過50名血本無歸的不滿的投資者。另一位投資者,傑森.寧(Jason Ning),向亞凱迪亞市警察局報案,聲稱USFIA員工對他做出生命威脅。該公司一個高層則質疑寧的說法,並說沒有作過威脅。

Andy Beal則表示,該公司沒有任何美國或中國政府的背書,并且鄂志超(John Wuo)在公司也沒有正式的職位,除了跟陳的私人朋友。


根據網站, 購買『珍寶幣』Gemcoin, 從$ 1,000開始,直到$30,000。網站上還介紹說,只要投資者們招募其他的新投資者和購買更多的『珍寶幣』Gemcoins,投資者們會得到日,週和月的獎金并不斷增長。

根據洛杉磯時報所看到的營銷材料,最成功的招募人員被許諾豐厚的獎品:假期,寶馬,奔馳等豪車,甚至是豪宅。達到最高級別,該公司為合格投資者提供EB-5投資移民,暨投資$ 50萬或$100萬,并創建至少10個就業機會的美國企業,以此向外國人提供簽證,和換取公民身份的途徑。

鄂志超(John Wuo)認為,他跟『珍寶幣』Gemcoin或陳的任何業務都沒有關系,並表示他沒有任何他的出場支付。他說,是一組不滿拆遷改造的居民,試圖用『珍寶幣』Gemcoin與他聯系起來。

在登記注冊公司的記錄中,鄂志超(John Wuo)曾經是一家名為“24HD監控”公司的合伙人。這家公司與USFIA公司,以及與陳有關的其他幾家公司,使用的是一樣的營業地址。USFIA高管們則表示說,“24HD監控”是辦公建築物以前的租客。

“24HD監控”公司主要銷售家庭和辦公室的安全攝像系統,鄂志超(John Wuo)補充說,他沒有參與該公司,說他的名字是未經其許可,而被寫在“24HD監控”公司的注冊信息中的。

至於『珍寶幣』Gemcoin,鄂志超(John Wuo)說,他之所以露面,因為他試圖支持本地商業。人們投資貨幣之類的,應該做自己的研究,他表示。

“我不知道『珍寶幣』Gemcoin是什麼,” 鄂志超(John Wuo)說。


Arcadia councilman distances himself from Gemcoin investment controversy


2015-09-06 华人生活网
庞氏骗局是对金融领域投资诈骗的称呼,是金字塔骗局(Pyramid scheme)的始祖,传销和号称直销集团就是用这一招聚敛钱财的。
同时,此案华人政坛,华人媒体,等都起到了助纣为虐的推动作用,甚至洛杉矶著名地产经纪人 参与其中,实在是丢人!

能赚1个亿还是美金!!!这不是掉馅饼!是掉金饼!一吨吨的掉,直接被咂死! 人性贪婪,由此可见!!!


据美国之音电台网站9月1日报道,洛杉矶联邦检察官办公室上周末发布消息说,联邦大陪审团对五名涉嫌参与传销骗局的被告,提出14项罪名的起诉,起诉书指出,被告表面上通过一家提供孩童教育课程的公司吸收 3,000万美元的资金,实际上就是一个“金字塔骗局”,利用吸收新投资者带来收入。






 这5名华人分别是现年47岁的张琼华(Cheong Wha "Heywood" Chang,音译)、他46岁的妻子陈东妮(Toni Chen,音译)、53岁的李陈雯(Wen Chen"Wendy" Lee,音译)、 50岁的林志轩(Chih Hsuan “Kiki”Lin,音译)和53岁的郭大亮(Daliang “David”Guo,音译)。张琼华居住在加州洛杉矶县的哈仙达岗,原先多居于台湾。李陈雯居住在洛杉矶县的罗兰岗。林志轩居住在洛杉矶和拉斯维加斯两地。郭大亮居住在纽约州海德公园。他们本月初遭到匿名举报,8月27日被捕。










刘龙珠律师:美国梦 成噩梦








附二:Arcadia councilman distances himself from Gemcoin investment controversy
The FBI is now investigating the claims of Gemcoin investors, according to documents reviewed by The Times. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
By FRANK SHYONG contact the reporter Asia Bitcoin

Standing in front of a group of local Chinese TV and radio reporters earlier this year, Arcadia City Councilman John Wuo spoke about an investment opportunity called Gemcoin, a digital currency in the vein of bitcoin. He said it was a "breakthrough in finance."

"This is cutting edge," said Wuo, flanked by Gemcoin executives. "This has great potential for our economy."

At another appearance in May, Wuo took the stage at a conference in Los Angeles and lavished praise on Steve Chen, the founder of the company launching the currency, calling him "one of the quickest thinkers" he had ever known.

Now Wuo is seeking to distance himself from the company and his own words as a group of Gemcoin holders complain that their investments are worthless and that the only revenue comes from new investors' money.

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"I haven't done anything. I don't have any association with them," Wuo said, referring to Gemcoin.

Wuo said he has asked the company to remove his image from its promotional materials, adding that the Arcadia-based firm, U.S. Fine Investment Arts Inc., used his image without permission. The speeches he gave on behalf of the company were just a few of the hundreds of ceremonial appearances he made as then-mayor, he said.

The FBI is now investigating the claims of investors, according to documents reviewed by The Times. At least one disgruntled investor said he has been interviewed by federal agents, and others have received letters from the bureau alerting them that they might be victims of a securities fraud.

Some Arcadia residents have criticized Wuo's speeches on behalf of Gemcoin, claiming that he has misused his title to help the business. Wuo's political opponents have seized upon his speeches as a way to drum up support for a possible recall effort.

Experts say politicians often face a balancing act when it comes to local businesses. Promoting these businesses is part of every politician's job, said Robert Stern, former president of the nonpartisan nonprofit Center for Governmental Studies. But it's important to have the right motives, he added.

"The question is, are [elected officials] doing it for the benefit of the city or the benefit of the company?" Stern said.

USFIA executives described Gemcoin as a rewards system comparable to frequent flier miles. The company sells packages of actual gems, then awards Gemcoins based on how much is purchased, Andy Beal, corporate counsel for USFIA, said in an email. Customers earn money by selling the gems and recruiting people to become sellers.

The rewards system will be converted to a cryptocurrency, or digital currency, by the end of the year, Beal said. At the moment, Gemcoins can be redeemed only for "company products and services," he said.

In Arcadia, frustration builds as more homes give way to mansions
In Arcadia, frustration builds as more homes give way to mansions
Claims by Gemcoin critics are unfounded, Beal said.

Several websites and social media accounts using the company's name say the currency has been in circulation for a year. One website, www.gemcoin.ch, which includes a Gemcoin-to-dollar currency converter, claims that the currency's value has increased more than 500% since 2014.

Investors, prompted by a multinational campaign of promotional videos, presentations and conferences, have signed up, lured by promises of huge returns.

Michael Liu said he, members of his family and friends invested $350,000 in USFIA in 2013. Back then, USFIA's product, and the company, went by different Chinese names.

You know how you can tell a scam? Read the terrible grammar used by the perpetrators in their sales pitch such as the following "Gemcoin is a cryptocurrency centralized by a private Company called AFG and created as a consequence of an agreement between China and USA, or this: "If you...
AT 7:48 PM SEPTEMBER 12, 2015

He said the company's promotional material posted online satisfied him that the investment was sound. USFIA's parent company, Alliance Financial Group, claimed to have $50 billion in assets, 2,000 employees, 2 million members and rights to a profitable amber mine in the Dominican Republic.

A Gemcoin website said that Alliance had signed an agreement with the U.S. Treasury Department to regulate Gemcoin. Liu said he was also shown an endorsement letter that the company claimed was personally signed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. One of Chen's companies, the U.S. China Consultation Assn., was represented in a brochure as a cooperative effort between the Chinese and U.S. governments to improve business relationships.

Liu said Wuo's purported endorsement was particularly reassuring.

"They said he was an honest person, and that I could trust him," Liu said.

After a few months, when his investments failed to generate the promised profits, Liu said, he worried. Earlier this year, Liu tried to get his money back. He said he was banned from the company's offices after complaining to employees there. On Thursday, Liu and a group of investors held a news conference asserting that their Gemcoin investments are now worthless. They said they represent a group of more than 50 disgruntled investors who allegedly lost money. Another investor, Jason Ning, filed a complaint with the Arcadia Police Department claiming that USFIA employees made threats on his life. A company executive disputed Ning's claims and said no threats were made.

Beal said that the company does not have any official U.S. or Chinese government endorsements, and that Wuo had no official role in the company, beyond being Chen's personal friend.

On a recent weekday, the office's entrance was framed by multicolored flags emblazoned with Gemcoin's logo. In the lobby, two ATMs also bearing the logo appeared to allow investors to change their dollars into Gemcoins. The company's website says that it has 2,500 such ATM's ready for money transfers across the world.

Gemcoin packages begin at $1,000 and go up to $30,000, according to the website. Investors get daily, weekly and monthly bonuses that increase as they recruit other investors and purchase more Gemcoins, according to a presentation on the website.

The most successful recruiters are promised generous prizes: vacations, BMWs, Mercedes-Benzes and even a mansion, according to marketing materials reviewed by The Times. At the highest level, the company offers to qualify investors for an EB-5 investor visa, which offers foreign nationals a visa and a path to citizenship in exchange for a $500,000 or $1 million investment in a U.S. enterprise that creates at least 10 jobs.

Wuo maintains that he has nothing to do with Gemcoin or any of Chen's businesses, and said he was not paid for any of his appearances. He said the attempts to link him with Gemcoin come from a group of residents disgruntled over mansionization.

Incorporation records filed with the California secretary of state list Wuo as a onetime partner in a company called 24 HD Surveillance, which shares a business address with USFIA Inc. and several other companies associated with Chen. USFIA executives say 24 HD Surveillance was a former tenant of the building.

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The company sold home and office security camera systems, Wuo said. He added that he was not involved with the company and said his name was listed on the company's incorporation records without his permission.

As for Gemcoin, Wuo said he made appearances for the company because he was trying to support local businesses. People investing in the currency should do their own research, he said.

"I don't know anything about Gemcoin," Wuo said.


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You know how you can tell a scam? Read the terrible grammar used by the perpetrators in their sales pitch such as the following "Gemcoin is a cryptocurrency centralized by a private Company called AFG and created as a consequence of an agreement between China and USA, or this: "If you...
AT 7:48 PM SEPTEMBER 12, 2015

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