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这就是共产党 12、廣東省陽江市江城區崗列鎮被政府强占!

发表于 2015-4-26 10:43:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这就是共产党 12、廣東省陽江市江城區崗列鎮被政府强占!
廣東省陽江市江城區崗列鎮四圍村委會程屋圍村,中共政府低價強占徵村的,遭到村民集體抵制,堅決抗議強徵強佔。4月16日,當地政府聘請百多名黑社會打手到村內強徵土地並圍毆反抗村民。村民指那班不明身份的人,見人就打,連婦女與老人也不放過,甚連90歲阿婆都不放過,全部被打成重傷入住陽江市人民醫院。有村民只是拿出手機想打電話,剛拿出就被十幾人圍著打,邊打邊強推上車送去當地派出所。 十多名村民被打傷入院,另有多名村民被關入黑監獄。 ----这就是我们党!!!

Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province Kong listed town house round Cheng Wai village, cheap government forced the village, the villagers boycott was resolutely protests forced dispossession. April 16, the local government to hire more than 100 underworld thugs forced to land in the village and hit against the villagers. Villagers means that class of unidentified people, telling anyone to play, not sparing even the women and the elderly, and even 90-year-old lady, not sparing even the entire stay was seriously wounded in Yangjiang City People's Hospital. Some villagers just wanted to come up with the phone call, just come up with was more than a dozen people around the fight, showed strong push car sent to the local police station. More than a dozen villagers were injured hospitalized, while a number of villagers being held into the black prison.

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