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xujianjun 2016-8-4 04:56
NguyenLai 2015-10-14 19:40
Im Lai an officer from Google.
We are lending google account, facebook account and Instagram  account reliably over the world

We have implemented advertising for a lot of Guangzhou and Shanghai partners to promote for European and American markets
As I know that in your country and Taiwan,Hong Kong,advertising and sale are not through by Google and Facebook. The whole world now are use G&F as an effective way to introduce goods to the market. My company work in advertising with G&F is partner. We can support account to run advertise through Google and Facebook to any market you want like EU,USA or Germany. Could you suggest some  website or forum which I can create out info to make people know about us by direct way. In your conntry,what is the social network or searching page is widely used?. Im waiting for your reply and hope it will come soon.
Best Regard!
Ms. Lai
Sky: vobaobao83211
QQ : 1878621134 (Lai Jung)
My phone; (+84 979 816 126)


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