
分享 The U.S.'s secret strategy against China is exposed! The effect is far bet
高老庄 2022-3-14 22:51
The Ten Commandments are actually the ten major work plans of the US CIA to subvert the Chinese government. It is the part of China in the CIA's extremely confidential document "Handbook". It was originally written in 1951 and has since been revised many times. Since the early 1950s, the CIA ...
195 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Dulles "The Ten Commandments"
高老庄 2022-3-14 22:45
Dulles Ten Commandments, also known as "Ten Commandment" (Ten Commandment), is a Western code of conduct aimed at the peaceful evolution of communist countries, including the following: 1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their young people, encourage them to despise and despis ...
187 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 警惕CAA的惊天阴谋
高老庄 2022-3-14 18:50
CAA (美国创新艺人经纪公司)签约明星赵薇突然被封杀,一时间,全网哗然!其余波之后,却是引发对当下娱乐至死的社会担忧。从 2005 年开始, CAA 中国就开始代理中国电影人,目前众多演艺明星、体坛新秀均是其签约对象,经过其美化包装长期活跃在荧幕上,参演的大量影视作品充斥着美化的西方价值观,宣扬拜金主义 ...
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分享 不为人知的创新精英文化公司背后黑手
高老庄 2022-3-14 18:47
CAA成立后就与老东家打擂。五位老板利用之前的关系,挖老东家的墙角,带走一批重量级客户。然后自己雇佣编剧,将好的故事改写成剧本,再通过剧本找到明星、导演等人,最后将这些打包跟制片厂谈判。这种手段大获成功后,CAA加大了挖墙脚的力度,第一招就是挖名气大而公司小的同行,他们一来,他们“侍候”的明星通常会跟 ...
161 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The U.S.'s secret strategy against China is exposed! The effect is far bet
高老庄 2022-3-8 21:50
The Ten Commandments are actually the ten major work plans of the US CIA to subvert the Chinese government. It is the part of China in the CIA's extremely confidential document "Handbook". It was originally written in 1951 and has since been revised many times. Since the early 1950 ...
156 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 College students need to understand politics if they are rationally patriotic
高老庄 2022-3-8 21:40
Patriotic enthusiasm of youth College students are very concerned about politics. In the more than 30 years of my work, countless major events have occurred at home and abroad. Whenever it comes to China, some college students have shown passionate patriotism. This is a good thing. If ...
159 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 After Huang Zhifeng was imprisoned, Hong Kong "cultist" shot again
高老庄 2022-3-8 19:18
action again. Experts point to the pseudo-public opinion. Hong Kong laughs generously. In 2012, under the promotion of the Hong Kong Education Association, Huang Zhifeng initiated the "pay the bill, withdraw the course, and occupy the government" against moral education and national education. S ...
101 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Dulles "The Ten Commandments"
高老庄 2022-3-3 17:55
Dulles Ten Commandments, also known as "Ten Commandment" (Ten Commandment), is a Western code of conduct aimed at the peaceful evolution of communist countries, including the following: 1. Try to use material things to lure and corrupt their young people, encourage them to despise and despise ...
111 次阅读|0 个评论


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