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已有 84 次阅读2022-10-16 22:03 |个人分类:全球化

旅游业有三个主要元素:旅游资源,游客,以及两者结合在一起的旅游渠道,包括硬件和软件。 昨天,我的建议谈到建立一个新的主题公园。除了现有的游乐设施(主要是基于重力动力学)之外,它们还可以添加一些新开发的,高科技和当地文化,手工制作的工艺品,或一些红军,政治元素。这种文化主题可以作为主题公园的一部分或作为独立的旅游资源。世界广大,幅员辽阔,人文丰富,历史悠久,处处都有自己独特,特色,风格。旅游资源可以多种多样。人们以各种方式旅行,出行有不同的目的。旅游资源可以分为几类。首先是与职业,学习,会议,工作等有关。也可以是家庭团聚。现在主要的旅游景点是自然美景。 海滩等自然美景珊瑚礁热带岛屿,度假村,国家公园,山脉,沙漠和森林,远足和露营,是夏季度假的传统旅游典范。


Tourism has three main elements: Tourist resources, tourists, and, put the two together, travel channels, including hardware and software. Yesterday, My recommendation talked about building a new theme park. Apart from the the existing rides, which are mostly based on gravity dynamics, they could also add some of the newly developed, high-tech, and local culture , Handmade crafts , or some red army , political stuffs. This cultural theme can be used as part of a theme park or as a tourist resource independently. The world is large, vast territory, rich humanities,  long history, everywhere has his own unique, specialty, and style. Tourist resources can be varied.  People travel in a variety of ways, for different purposes, and tourist resources can be divided into several categories. First has something to do with occupation, study, meetings, work, and so on. It could also be family reunion. Now the main tourist attractions are natural beautiesNatural beauty such as beaches, tropical island resorts with coral reefs, hiking and camping in national parks, mountains, deserts and forests, are examples of traditional tourist attractions for summer vacations.






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