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已有 149 次阅读2022-10-8 22:59 |个人分类:创意



A society is made up of superstructures and subterranean areas. The superstructure is the political ,  legal , humanities, while the lower building is science, engineering, infrastructure. The civilization degree of a society, is mainly determined by  the degree of development of science and technology at the lower level of the society. The area of subsidence definitely determines the civilization of the superstructure. German character, determines the German’s attention to lower structures, so Germany is strong, civilized and developed. Over the years, China's manufacturing, infrastructure construction are concentrated in the domestic, so that China would have rapid development. Unlike French, Germans don't pay too much attention on fancy stuff but quality. Comparatively German is a mid size country not too many people. Chancellor Merkel is the woman leader who has the longest term in the world politely system. Germany, the product is solid, robust and durable, the quality is superior. In one belt one road  globalization design, when it comes to select proper people for Particular project, Germen’s’ outstanding unique characters and industry background are definitely suitable for creative design and engineering work, environment protection, etc They know how to deal with nature better. 






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