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已有 75 次阅读2022-7-6 21:20 |个人分类:全球化

中国的那些女孩子与拉丁女孩子比,就好像还没有真正发育  Compared with Latin girls, those girls in China seem to have not really developed.
在新奥尔良见过Mardi Gras狂欢,可是,巴西的狂欢节却是另一番景色,第一次看见桑巴女郎的妆扮,觉得不可思议, 太暴露了. 可是当我看见他们狂欢节时所有人都兴高采烈载歌载舞的,就觉得这是一个充满热情的民族,那么自然, 那么性感, 那么奔放,就觉得那些满脑子礼教的人,太做作拘谨, 是些伪君子。那些拉丁女孩子怎么可以这么饱满丰实性感,相比起来,中国的那些女孩子,奶茶妹妹之流,就好像还没有真正发育呢!哈哈哈哈

I saw  Mardi Gras carnival in New Orleans, but the carnival in Brazil is another scene. The first time I saw the samba girl's makeup, it was incredible, too exposed. But when I saw them at the carnival, everyone is eager to sing and dance, and feels that this is a passionate nation. So natural, so sexy, so unrestrained, I feel that those who are full of brains and rituals are too pretentious and are hypocrites. How can those Latin girls be so full and sexy, compared to the girls in China, the milk tea girl, it seems that they have not really developed yet! Hahahaha

巴西的烤肉。可能因为肉少,可能中国文化食不厌精,中国人吃肉,都是把肉切成片或者丝,跟别的菜混在一起烧的。巴西人豪迈, 去巴西吃烤肉自助餐, 我目瞪口呆啊. 各种各样的肉啊,牛肉, 羊肉, 马肉, 鸡肉, 鸭肉, 等等, 是串起来放在火上烤的。要吃的话,拿着铁钎到你的盘子割肉给你,那真的是大块吃肉啊!那年带Jackie去四川藏族人家,吃烤全羊!是烤羊羔啊,那鲜美的滋味,肥嫩的羊肉,我以为是世界上最好的烤肉了!可那个比起巴西烤肉来,还缺一个档次。你看那个割下来的烤肉,从火里拿出来嗤嗤响的,切下来,油还在往外面冒。根本不用加任何佐料,咬一口,肉汁满满的,有焦香的皮,肥肥的油脂,富有嚼劲的肉,嫩嫩的生肉,甚至有淡红的血水,好吃啊,过瘾啊!那才是吃肉啊。大口吃肉!如果再能够叫一扎冰镇啤酒,那太痛快了。

Brazilian barbecue. Perhaps because of the small amount of meat, or Chinese culture favors fine cuisine, when Chinese eat meat, which is cut into pieces or slice and mixed with other vegetables. Brazilians are heroic, going to Brazil for a barbecue buffet, I was stunned. All kinds of meat, beef, lamb, horse meat, chicken, duck, etc., are skewered and grilled on fire. If you wanted to eat, brought  the iron stick to your plate and cut the meat for you. It was really a big piece of meat! That year, Jackie and I went to Sichuan Tibetans to eat roasted whole lambs! It’s roast lamb, the delicious taste, the fat lamb, I thought it was the best barbecue in the world! But that was not the same as the Brazilian barbecue. Look at the barbecue piece cut, just take it out of the fire sizzerling, cut a piece, and the grease is still going outside. No need to add any condiments, just bite, full of gravy, with crispy fragrant skin, soft and fat, chewy meat, tender and raw meat, even red blood, delicious, enjoyable ! That is the meat. A big mouthful of meat! If you can also call a cold beer with it, it would be so much fun.

巴西的音乐也是非常有特色的. Jackie以前的芭蕾舞老师,是在巴西长大的俄国人。画画老师俄国帅哥一家,也在巴西有房产。
Brazilian music is also very distinctive. Jackie's former ballet teacher was a Russian who grew up in Brazil. Her painting teacher, a handsome Russian boy, also has real estate in Brazil.

This cartoon is about the unusual colors of Brazil. I have been to Brazil, although I only went to a place in Iguazu, but the vast tropical forests over there gave me an unusual impression. When I have time, I must bring Jackie to play in Brazil.






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