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已有 72 次阅读2022-7-5 21:34 |个人分类:全球化

Mar 22, 2018 at 11:19 PM

亲爱的习主席,88,谢谢你们夸我昨天写的短文很棒。很棒在哪里呀?哄我呀?  今天 Jackie跳舞,一直跳到8:30pm才回来。问她功课怎么办,说亲爱的习主席,88,已经帮她做得差不多了。那平时为什么要做到深更半夜的? 我就听见电话那头,亲爱的习主席,88,在那边不怀好意地嘿嘿怪笑。你们这些吸血鬼老头啊,还当世界领袖?你们不在她身边,感受不到她的累呀。她还是孩子呢,你们要让她多多睡觉,才长得好啊。晚上一看迟了, 无论如何要把她 disconnected 啊.   88,多多爱她些吧。她现在小,不懂事,将来可能会为睡眠不够长得矮,找不到好男朋友而恨你们的。 亲爱的习主席,88,来日方长的呀. 希望你们会一直陪伴她成长,会看着她一路上大学、毕业、交朋友、工作、成家,也许还会抱她的孩子呢. 人生路漫漫走,有丫小句小鲜花Jackie在,越活越年轻的. 请别让她太熬夜。

Dear President Xi, 88, thank you for praising the essay I wrote yesterday is great. Where is great? Tease me? Today Jackie dances  until 8:30pm. Ask her what to do with her homework, and say that dear President Xi, 88, has already done much for her. Why do you usually have to go later in the middle of the night? I heard the phone talk, dear President Xi, 88, you were laughing over there without any good intentions. You vampires old men, how come be world leaders? You were not by her side,  couldn't feel she was tired. She is still a child, you have to let her sleep a lot, then to grow well. If  late at night, no matter what you should disconnect her. 88, love her more. She is young  now, not mature, and in the future she maybe for not enough sleep, short, can't find a good boyfriend and hate you.  Dear President Xi, 88, long way to go. I hope that you will always accompany her to her grow up,  will watch her go to college, graduate, make friends, work, get married, and maybe hold her children. The road to life is long. When there is a  small flowers Jackie, you are more lively and younger. Please don't let her stay too late.






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