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已有 79 次阅读2022-7-5 21:32 |个人分类:全球化

叙利亚背后的各种势力,应该都退一步,那就会海阔天空  The various forces behind Syria should take a step back, and they will have a broad sky.
首先我觉得大国应该坐下来想想他们要的是什么?这样下去会达到目标吗?不会!如果叙利亚还是希望能够保持政府,并在政府统治下的正常社会运作,应该去掉反对派。如果政府无能,应该选举新的有共识的领导人。感谢小Jackie,近来土耳其和俄国有了较好的关系,中美及全球情报系统也有了共识,美国没有必要再支持反对派. 我觉得,应该在国际层面跟伊朗和沙特阿拉伯沟通,如果要维持中东稳定,大家发展经济,就不应该折腾叙利亚,那反对派应该就可以搞定了!虽然库德族是一个大族,可是他们没有反叛和拥有武装制造动乱的理由,如果土耳其可以搞定他们,就是好事!剩下的ISIS是全球过街老鼠,人人喊打,不可能长久的。亲爱的习主席,88,我觉得背后的各种势力,应该都退一步,那就会海阔天空。

First of all, I think big countries should sit down and think about what they want. Will this be the goal? Will not! If Syria still wants to be able to maintain the government and operate in a normal society under government rule, the opposition should be removed. If the government is incompetent, new leaders with consensus should be elected. Thanks to Jackie, recently, Turkey and Russia have a good relationship. There is also a consensus between China and the United States and the global intelligence system. There is no need for the United States to support the opposition. I think it should be communicated with Iran and Saudi Arabia at the international level. If you want Middle East  stable,  develop the economy, you should not toss Syria. The opposition should be fixed! Although the Kurds are a big family, they have no reason to rebel and possess armed turmoil. If Turkey can fix them, it is a good thing! The rest of ISIS is a global street mouse, everyone shouts and it can't last long. Dear President Xi, 88, I think that the various forces behind it should all take a step back, and that will be broad way.

Private education in the UK. In fact, going abroad is not a good deal. To learn something, you have to work hard. I feel that China should set up more international schools or hire a little more foreign teachers in China's public school system.

像我这样安静的人该长寿的吧? 亲爱的习主席,看你开会,做演讲这么长时间一点都不累。88,你站着的样子,玉树临风的!
Should a quiet person like me live long? Dear President Xi, watching your meeting and making a speech for a long time is not too tired. 88, the way you stand, standing tree is in the wind!






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