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已有 71 次阅读2022-7-3 21:04 |个人分类:全球化

沙特也开始改变经济结构,发展多种产业  Saudi Arabia also began to change its economic structure and develop various industries.
你们还要我讲沙特阿拉伯的经济。 沙特现在主要的经济来源是出售石油资源。近几年,沙特也开始改变经济结构,发展多种产业! 我想说的是,伊斯兰教不鼓励女性出外工作,也许这样的传统需要改变。日本明治维新以后,给女孩子同样的受教育机会,就是因为人口素质的提高,所以为日本社会提供了大量的劳动力和创造性,日本的经济能够吸收西方的先进科技,又与本土的人才相结合,创造出日本的奇迹。解放以后,中国也花了很大力气消除文盲,男女同校,妇女能顶半边天,这一部分劳动力的开发和能量释放,成就了中国的高速发展现代化。

You still want me to talk about the economy of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s main source of income now is the sale of oil resources. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has also begun to change the economic structure and develop a variety of industries! What I want to say is that Islam does not encourage women to go out to work. Perhaps such a tradition needs to be  changed. After the Meiji Restoration in Japan, the same educational opportunities were given to girls. Due to the improvement of the quality of the population, it  provided a large amount of labor and creativity for the Japanese society. The Japanese economy can absorb the advanced technology of the West and combine it with local talents. This created a miracle of Japanese economy. After the liberation, China also spent a lot of effort to eliminate illiteracy, co-education for both genders, women can top half the sky, this part of the labor development and energy release has made China's rapid development and modernization.






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