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已有 82 次阅读2022-1-17 00:00 |个人分类:全球化

Jackie的心里,有那么一个空间一直是留白没有填满的In Jackie's heart, there is such a space that has been left blank and unfilled.


Oct 2, 2017 at 9:31 PM



如果她觉得没有安全满足完整拥有过,又谈什么失去呢If she doesnt feel safe enough to have a complete possession, what to talk about losing?

亲爱的主席,88昨天拉斯维加斯大开杀戒,音乐会观众被机枪扫射,死了59个伤了五百多个好多人在说禁枪的事,觉得这件事不是那么简单,因为警察后来搜出了34枝枪,觉得是跟911还有几年前盛博拿地那医疗院枪杀背后是同一个主谋干的,也是伤害Jackie的凶手,是郭文贵后面的黑手,甚至是前两天奥克兰警察高速路枪毙逃逸者的始作俑者,因为我看见音乐会后面的三个建筑,Mandala Bay, Luxor, Excalibur, 啥意思啊,就是在这世界上所有的控制系统已经完成在一起的组构了,表面上的权利分派吗,就看左右两个建筑就可以了,是这个意思吗?Sir, you are too much! 有这么神通广大一手遮天的Sir 禁枪有用吗? 亲爱的主席,88,谢谢你们喜欢我昨天写的短文,我觉得你们也喜欢我呀,今天回来路上我问Jackie,那是你们吗?结果你们听见了说,如果不是Xi and Wang那就是Wang and Xi.”你们这不是在逗我吗?而且你们一听我说数学,就迫不及待跳出来,每次都很准的,只是现在越来越文雅有礼貌了,让我chill.”全中国人的价值,都是学好数理化走遍天下都不怕,只有你们,你们两位文科大老爷,两位诧嗤风云国家的领袖人物,一提数学就坐立不安,而且还跟这边的犹太黑帮沆瀣一气,极力营造环境,阻挠Jackie好好对数学有兴趣,(其实在美国不学数理化其实也有很大的发展空间,)这个世界上也就你们两个这样子的讲汪执扭.可是你们逗我呀,老拿我开心呀,我仰着脸歪着头,一边眨着眼睛,斜眼上上下下前前后后左左右右仔细打量着你们,就想找一个地方好好戳你几手指头,最好能戳得你们哇哇大叫,怎么跟丫小句野孩子一样调皮捣蛋呢?嗯?亲亲今天Jackie是我妈妈贴心的小棉袄呀,不知道哪根筋搭错了,居然当面口吐莲花甜言蜜语夸奖我说,妈妈你知道吗,我觉得你真聪明……听得我真窝心,心花怒放啊,Jackie平常不太会夸奖人的,能当面诚心诚意称赞我,说的我骨头都酥了.还没有真正开始陶醉呢,就听见你们在电话那头说,” how about us?we are even more awesome!” 哈哈哈哈,你们真逗!她有没有这样花过你们?对Jackie的爱心培育,你们功不可没劳苦功高,这是看得见摸得着感受的到的,可是两位做父亲的,称赞可是要从Jackie口里说出来的,那才有价值记得有一次我问Jackie,如果有一天亲爱的主席88不在你的生活里了,你会难过吗?会想他们吗?你们的不太懂事的,缺少深切情感体验的丫小句野孩子居然回答说也许..”,亲爱的主席,88,她说也许.” 我再问她今年你一个人去河南夏令营的时候,会不会想妈妈,出事的时候会不会想妈妈?“ 她说哦,那当然会想,心里害怕的时候,特别会想!” 有差别哦,因为你们不见她,你们不见她!人生来有一种对亲密感情,建立牢固情感依赖,完全敞开自己接受别人的需求,父母儿女之间的联系是最自然亲近安全欢喜的联系,我感觉得出,在她的心里,有那么一个空间一直是留白没有填满的.光在电话里讲,如何能进到私密空间的深处呢?如果她觉得没有安全满足完整拥有过,又谈什么失去呢?她没有经历过呀,从小对人生里来来去去的人看淡吧,怕她以后长大会冷血呢亲爱的主席,88,已经很谢谢你们了,不知道你们心里怎么想的,在情感上你们也许还有好多要做呢,也许要做在对的地方,是不是?我不知道T & B残忍呢.


Dear Chairman, 88, the killing was held in Las Vegas yesterday. The concert audience was shot by a machine gun and 59 people were killed and more than 500 injured. Many people are talking about the ban on guns. I think this is not that simple. It’s that simple, because the police later found 34 guns in the hotel room. I think it was the same mastermind behind the 911 and the San Bernardino Medical Center shooting a few years ago. It was also the murderer who injured Jackie. It was the black hand behind Guo Wengui.  Or even the initiator of the Auckland Police Highway shooting the escaped people two days ago. Because I saw the three buildings behind the concert, Mandala bay, Luxor, Excalibur, what does it mean, that all the "black" control systems in this world have been assembled together? Does the apparent right distribution? Just look at the two buildings on the left and right, what does that mean? Sir, you are too much! Is there such a supernatural Sir that can cover the sky with one hand, is it useful to ban guns? Dear Chairman, 88, thank you for loving the essay I wrote yesterday. I think you also like me. On the way back today, I asked Jackie, is that you? As a result, you heard, "If it is not Xi and Wang, then it is Wang and Xi." Are you kidding me? And as soon as you hear me say mathematics, you can’t wait to jump out. It’s accurate every time, but you are getting more and more polite and nice. Let me "chill." The value of all Chinese people is to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, so not afraid of going around the world. Only you, your two liberal arts masters, and two leaders of the scornful country, are restless when I mention mathematics. And you also "associate" with the Jewish gangs here, trying to create an environment to prevent Jackie from being interested in mathematics, and this world is also just about the two of you.  In fact, there is still a lot of room for development in the United States without learning mathematics, physics and chemistry. But you tease me, you always make fun of me. I tilted my face, tilted my head, blinked, squinted, up and down, back and forth, left and right, and looked at you carefully. I just want to find a place on your body to poke my finger well, preferably I can poke you yelling. Why are you naughty and mischievous like the wild kid? OK? Kiss!  Today Jackie is my, mother’s, intimate little cotton-padded jacket. I don’t know which of her nerves is wrong. She spit Lotus sweet words in the face and praised me and said, "Mother, do you know, I think you are really smart...!" I can hear my heart, and my heart is full of joy. Jackie doesn't usually praise people. She could praise me sincerely in the face, made my bones soft. I haven't really begun to intoxicate, I heard you talking on the phone, "How about us? We are even more awesome!" Hahahaha, you guys are so funny! Has she coaxed you like this? Your love for Jackie has been cultivated with great effort and hard work. This is what she can see and feel. But the two fathers praised it from Jackie’s mouth, and that’s valuable. I remember one time I asked Jackie, “If one day Dear Chairman 88 is not in your life, will you be sad? Will you miss them?" Your little child who is not very sensible and lacks deep emotional experience replied, "Maybe..." Dear Chairman, 88, she said "maybe." I asked her again, "Will you miss your mother when you go to the Henan summer camp alone this year, and will you miss your mother when something goes wrong?" She said, "Oh, of course I will miss you, especially when I am afraid!" There is a difference, because you don’t see her, you never see her! I was born with an intimate relationship, to establish a strong emotional dependence, and to fully open up to accept the needs of others. The connection between parents and children is the most natural, close, safe, and joyous connection. I feel that in her heart, there is such a space that has been left blank and unfilled. You only talk on the phone, how can you go deep into her private space? If she feels that she has never been safe, satisfied, or completely owned, then what is she talking about losing? She hasn't experienced it since she was a child, and she has no regard for people who come and go in her life. I am afraid that she will be cold-blooded in the future. Dear Chairman, 88, I already thank you very much, I don’t know what you think, emotionally, you may have a lot to do to her, maybe you have to do it right, isn't it? I don't know. T&B is cruel.







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