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已有 150 次阅读2022-1-15 23:21 |个人分类:领袖精英


Oct 1, 2017 at 2:58 PM



沙特阿拉伯的老国王居然扔下拐棍,手舞足蹈跳了十多分钟舞  The old King of Saudi Arabia actually dropped his walking stick and danced for more than ten minutes

亲爱的主席,88,开国以来第一次,你们到人民英雄纪念碑前,绕碑走啊. 88你的手势好怪呀, Jackie告诉我,这是她教你的,这个手势在这边表示cool, rock on 如果只有一个手, even cooler.是吗,什么事情那么酷啊? 可是就是前几天,英国的哈里王子来会见川普总统夫人,也是这样把手放在衣服前,食指和小指放在衣服外面,而中指无名指藏在衣服里面,有特别的含义哦在地中海文化里,有配偶不忠的意思哦!又是谁让你做这个的呀? 88不管看你本人,还是你一直的照片,笑得再慈眉善目,总是眉头微锁,觉得心底深处总有一丝让你不能开怀的紧绷的弦.几年前天安门城楼上的大阅兵,只有那次你是多少年来笑的最放松和自然的,最充满希望憧憬的.  还有刚刚遇见你们的时候,Jackie每次都告诉我说,你们很开心.现在你们也开心,可是,你老有心事呢,蹙着眉头,是因为周围的风风雨雨吗?有好几个人在那边帮忙,还放心不下吗?是担心事业和孩子吧你们对Jackie那么好,每天教她功课,好几个小时,还帮她请老师,你们也存心不给我工作,那我可以帮你点什么吗?  亲爱的主席,Jackie说你跟彭妈妈昨天又跳腰鼓了,这次跳了十多分钟,比上次要身手矫健,酣畅淋漓,优美熟练多了!想来练了一个月了吧,你又找借口,说不够好,不愿意给我看!随便你,这是我的创意呀,却不想让我看,遮遮掩掩想做什么呢?跟后边的T & B 怎么一样的脾气呢?算了算了,到时候,你想给我看,我也不愿意看,因为你只会跳一种舞步,一个鼓点,一种舞式,可是我满满的创意,就知道怎么变换,创新,综合,花样百出吸引人了!你还想要我的创意吗? 沙特阿拉伯的老国王走路都要柱着拐棍.出国旅行都不愿意走下弦梯, 到哪里还要把自动升降机带着可是,昨天居然扔下拐棍,手舞足蹈起来了,一直跳了十几分钟呀!怪不得上次对Jackie跳芭蕾,他连正经一眼也不看,肯定心里暗暗地说,这算啥玩意儿,我从小都会跳.果不其然,昨天是大显身手啊,令人刮目相看,嘿嘿 人不可貌相哦,中国人尤其年轻人只看人外表,那些实力派的明星们,都在抱怨,现在观众只看颜值,那是中国的宣传机器教育系统造成市场价值观审美有问题,是啊演技是啥玩意儿啊?舞蹈是动态的美,经过千百年沉淀下来的各个民族的舞蹈,韵味淳美,要有好的文化背景才能有欣赏力的功利下长大的T & B哈日哈韩,流行风,少一点文化沉淀了可是更进一步,到这样的年龄了,宝刀不老当然让人称赞,更应该秀出智慧阅历和精神上的东西吧要深入灵魂,有真正的共鸣,是非常不容易的,我跟Jackie能做些什么吗?期待有一天,Jackie能跟沙特老国王一起跳舞,能够理解他深得他心.

Dear Chairman, 88, for the first time since the founding of the country, your leaders went to the monument to the People’s Heroes and walked around the monument. 88, your gesture is so weird, Jackie told me that this is what she taught you, this gesture here means cool, rock on. If there is only one hand, even cooler. Really, what is so cool? But just a few days ago, Prince Harry of the United Kingdom came to meet President Trump and his wife, so he put his hands in front of his clothes, his index finger and little finger outside his clothes, and his middle finger ring finger was hidden in his clothes. It has a special meaning. In Mediterranean culture, it means the spouse is unfaithful! Who made you do this? 88. No matter I look at yourself or your photos all the time, your smile is kind and eye-catching, and your brow is always slightly locked. In the military parade, only then in those years you laughed the most relaxed and natural, the most hopeful and longing. And when I met you just now, Jackie told me every time that you are very happy. Now you are also happy. But what about you this time? Is frowning because of the wind and rain around? There are several people over there helping you, can you rest assured? Are you worried about your career and children? You are so good to Jackie, teach her homework for hours every day, and hire teachers help her. You also don’t want me to work for you, can I help you? Dear Chairman, Jackie said that you and  Peng Mama danced again yesterday, this time for more than ten minutes. It is more physical, more hearty and more skilled than last time! I think you should have practiced for a month, right? You make excuses again, saying that it is not good enough, and you do not want to show me! Whatever you want, this is my original idea, but you don’t want to let me see it. What do you want to do? How can you have the same temper as the T & B behind? Forget it, when the time comes, you want to show it to me, and I don’t want to even see it. Because you can only dance one dance step, one drumbeat, one dance style, but my full of creativity knows how to change, innovate, integrate, and have a variety of tricks to attract people! Do you still want my creativity? The old king of Saudi Arabia had to walk with a walking stick. He was reluctant to even  walk down the ladder when traveling abroad, and he had to carry the automatic lift wherever he went. But yesterday he actually dropped the walking stick and danced with Jackie. Danced for more than ten minutes! No wonder when he saw Jackie danced ballet  last time, he didn't even look at it seriously. Surely he secretly said in his heart, "What kind of thing is this, I would dance from a young age". Sure enough, he showed his talents yesterday, impressive. Hey, people can not just look good. Chinese people, especially young people, only look at people's appearance. Those powerful stars are complaining that now the audience only looks at face value. That is because there is a problem with the aesthetics of China's market values. It is caused by propaganda machines and education systems. Yeah, What is acting like? Dance is a dynamic beauty. The dances of various nationalities that have been precipitated over thousands of years have a beautiful charm. Only a good cultural background can be vigorously appreciated. T & B, which grew up with utilitarianism, follows the trend of Japan and South Korea, and has a little less culture. Precipitation. But going a step further, for example, at the age of the old King of Saudi Arabia, it is certainly admirable that the sword is not old, but should it show wisdom experience and spiritual things more? It’s not easy to go deep into the soul and there is real resonance between people. Can Jackie and I do something for you? I look forward to the day when Jackie can dance with the old King of Saudi Arabia, and can understand him and win his favor.






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