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已有 88 次阅读2022-1-14 00:36 |个人分类:全球化

中国为引进各种文化提供空间  China provides space for the introduction of various cultures

特色城镇里边有私人开的住宿,有游玩的街道景区,那我就在想可不可以专门有给外来文化的.可以把世界的文化分成几大类,而某一类中间又有不同的分支,在全国大小城市城镇对不同文化建立分布网,每一个点可以有餐馆超市,手工艺作坊,有特别文化宗教特色的居所,宗教活动场合,专门设计可以有家庭式的,集团式的.可以由当地的政府所属的宗教组织联合管理,象义乌就聚集了很多阿拉伯国家来的长居的商人,他们在当地娶妻生子开伊斯兰风格的餐厅,同时有长期订购义乌的小商品发送到阿拉伯地区.那在中国的这些城镇建立起来的不同文化的场所,是吸引全世界各地不同文化的人到这边来,带来他们的文化传统, 并同时把中国的物品文化介绍给全世界.比如对比较落后的中亚非洲地区,他们可以把当地的手工艺品,特色食品介绍到中国.记得在土耳其旅行,当地有名的陶瓷,皮革地毯生化用品和特色糖果点心,每个旅行的不一定都买,买也只买一点,大巴扎里多么丰富的有特色物品啊!如果在杭州郊区上海郊区特色城镇里,专门有长住的土耳其风格的旅馆,餐馆和小商品店,让那些学土耳其语的大学生去实习,请土耳其人来作东,不时请土耳其人来表演肚皮舞等,这是短期的甚至可以在全国各地走穴,中国人就有口福品尝美味的土耳其食品,欣赏美妙的土耳其歌舞,享用精美的土耳其工艺品了,而且中国人还可以有机会通过这个窗口了解土耳其的文化,有些孩子以后可能因为这个关系,走出中国去土耳其发展,寻找光明前途的让不同宗教也能在全国各地兴盛成网,中国的信徒和国外来的也能寻找到心灵归依,可以寻找宗教组织的帮助,可以归入世界宗教的大网互通有无,中国那么多人,多信几个宗教,好好管理,比内斗强多了.去俄国他们卖的产品有限,琥珀皮衣艺术蛋套娃等等,但是他们的歌舞很棒,如果他们到中国来开办俄式小屋,卖冰淇淋,俄式鹿肉麋鹿樟子,按中国文化设计的工艺品,更在全国各地开俄国特色的芭蕾舞学校音乐学校,我想很多中国老师要失业了!可是一大批中国学生的艺术水准一定会提高!


In characteristic towns, there are private accommodations, and there are street scenic spots to visit. Then I am thinking, can there be space for foreign cultures The world’s culture can be divided into several categories, and there are different branches in a certain category. Distribution networks for different cultures can be established in cities and towns across the country. Each point can have restaurants, supermarkets, handicraft workshops, residences with special cultural and religious characteristics, and occasions for religious activities. It can also be specially designed for family type and group type. It can be jointly managed by a religious organization affiliated with the local government. In Yiwu, there are many long-term staying businessmen from Arab countries who marry local wives and have children to open Islamic-style restaurants, and at the same time long-term order small goods from Yiwu sent to the Arab region. The different cultures established in these towns in China, the place is to attract people from different cultures all over the world to bring their cultural traditions, and at the same time introduce Chinese products and culture to the world. For example, for the relatively backward Central Asia and Africa, they can introduce local handicrafts and special products to China. I remember traveling in Turkey. There are famous ceramics, leather, rugs, biochemical supplies and special sweets in the local market. Everyone who travels may not buy a lot, but only a little.  What a wealth of special items in Grand Bazaar! If in the characteristic towns on the outskirts of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, there are Turkish-style hotels, restaurants and small commodities shops that are long-stay, let those students who study Turkish go to internship service, and ask the Turks to be Boss. From time to time, Turks are invited to perform various dance music such as belly dance. The performance team can be short-term or even walk around the country. The Chinese people can not only taste delicious Turkish food, but also enjoy the wonderful Turkish songs and dances. Turkish crafts are available, and the Chinese can also have the opportunity to learn about Turkish culture through this window. Some children may go out of China to develop in Turkey in the future because of this childhood culture access, to find a bright future. At the same time, different religions can also flourish throughout the country, and Chinese believers and foreigners can also find spiritual reunion together. They you can look for the help of religious organizations, whether there is a large network of religions in the world that can communicate with each other. There are so many people in China, who believe in several religions, and if manage well, which is much better than your own domestic fighting. I went to Russia to see that they sold limited products, such as amber, leather jackets, art egg dolls, etc., but their singing and dancing were great ! If they come to China to open a Russian hut, sell ice cream, Russian venison, elk, camphor meat, or crafts designed according to Chinese cultural elements, or even open a Russian ballet school, music school, art school all over the country, Ah, I think many Chinese teachers will lose their jobs! However, the artistic standards and humanities of a large number of Chinese kids will definitely improve!






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