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已有 125 次阅读2021-1-20 14:51 |个人分类:北美生活

美国政治选举就像一场对抗性的竞争游戏 American political elections are like a confrontational competitive game


各个国家的政治生态真得不一样. 昨天刚看见了一张这边中国川普支持团制作的,希拉里的近乎裸体的泳装照. 在这边, 希拉里支持团里又看见一张画,画的是川普的头却有着性感女人穿比基尼的身体!好像都喜欢用女人性感的裸体,互黑对方,然后用低级趣味的东西互相攻击. 你看川普的南加行,两路人马大打出手. 尤其是这边的墨西哥人,惹了老子那老子就不客气! 中国呢,又在打击党内野心家阴谋家!看了,觉得想笑,两岸的政治啊,摇摇头!反正我们是作壁上观. 只是看见美国这边每四年,就好像所有选民都要受到什么鬼的诱惑,一定要参加一场对抗性的竞争游戏,选边站并且互相攻击,有的时候根本连总统竞选者本人的基本政治诉求理念,他们都搞不清楚呢. 因为对抗有激动人心的功能,调动人的输赢欲望,同时也将竟选人的名字,形象,最大化地散布于民众之间,让平时淡而无味的生活,增添了很多刺激的作料! 也让以后当选者,有众望所归获得广大民众瞩目,为国家政治代言,建立了一个良好形象!


The political ecology of each country is really different. Yesterday I just saw a nearly nude swimsuit photo of  Hillary Clinton made by Chinese Trump support group. Here in  Hillary support group, I saw another picture, It’s the head of Trump but the body of a sexy woman wearing a bikini! It seems that they all like to use women's sexy nudes, and down grade each other. They attack each other with low-level fun things. You see Trump's Southern California visit, two sides of people fight. The Mexicans here, If you provoke me, then I am not nice!! China is fighting against the conspiracy of the party's ambitions again! I saw it,  wanted to laugh. The politics on both sides of the strait, I shake my head! Anyway, we are just watching on side. Just seeing the United States every four years, all voters must be tempted by ghosts. They must participate in a confrontational competition game, choose to stand and attack each other. Sometimes  they are even unclear about the basic political appeals of the presidential candidates themselves. Because the confrontation has exciting functions, it mobilizes people’s desire to win or lose, and at the same time, they will choose the name and image of the person to maximize the spread among the people. Let the usual plain and boring life add a lot of exciting ingredients!  It also lets the elected people in the future get the attention of the general public and build a good image for the national political endorsement!






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