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已有 135 次阅读2021-1-20 14:50 |个人分类:北美生活

May 5, 2016 at 4:24 PM

Jackie有政治sense Jackie has a political sense

Jackie不像我,没有看什么文学名著,在情感成长方面,对很多事情比较漠然!可是她的政治敏感度却很高, 而且有sense!  今天早上她问我,“这个学校缺什么?”我说 “缺少对孩子进行演讲训练” ,结果她说“我们有这样子的训练,只是因为太忙了我没参加!” 我说“那你应该去竞选学生会主席”,她想也不想就跟我说,“不,这是我第一年进这个学校,谁也不认识. 没有群众基础,去竟选没人支持我!” 你看她知道得多清楚,要搞政治要竞选主席,就要得到大多数人的支持,要popular, 要人头熟. 我听了大吃一惊,她太有政治头脑了,怪不得她在学校里边结交朋友, 组合闺蜜圈. 这点我可比她差远了,是不是受习主席的秘授?看她是喜欢做幕后策划呢?还是前台领军人物呢?她的性格好像是更嚣张一些!是因为有你们在后面替她撑腰呢!是不是?小孩子的注意力集中的时间短,年纪越小越短!要在她集中注意的时候教给她东西,就需要一点技巧!比如说用吸引五官的东西,逗她笑笑了,咯吱她了,亲亲她了,在她面前拿有趣的东西晃一下了,当然还有就是拿她喜欢的东西吸引她了!比如说糖果,巧克力. 小孩子不懂抽象的东西, 要先用最原始的来刺激她.


Jackie is not like me, she doesn't read any literary classics, she is indifferent to many things in terms of emotional growth! However, her political sensitivity is very high, and she really has sense! She asked me this morning, "What is missing in this school?" I said "It lacks  speech training for children", and she said, "We have such training, just because I was too busy, I didn’t participate!” I said, “Then you should go run for the president of the student union.” She was not hesitated to tell me, “No, this is my first year in this school, no one knows me, no people. Without the mass base, go to the election, no one supports me!” You see how clear she knows that  if you want to run politics  for the chairman, you need to get the support of most people. Be popular and be familiar. I’m shocked, she’s too political minded, no wonder she made friends in the school, combined with the girlfriends circle. I am far worse than her, is it the secret of the president of the study? See she likes to do behind-the-scenes planning? Or is it the leading figure at the front desk? Her character seems to be more arrogant! It is because you are supporting her in the back! is not it? Children's attention duration is short, the younger the shorter! To teach her something when she concentrates on it, I need a little skill! For example, to attract something from the five senses, make her smile, scream at her, kiss her, shake something in front of her, and of course, attract her with something she likes! For example, candy, chocolate. Children do not understand abstract things, I must first stimulate her with the most primitive.






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