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已有 123 次阅读2021-1-20 14:48 |个人分类:全球化

考虑将污染的工业移到污染影响危害少的地区,并对此区域的民众进行一定的补偿  Consider moving contaminated industries to areas where pollution is less harmful and making certain compensation to the people in the area.


十多年前看了一部日本动画片,“ Princess Mononoke".  讲的是人类要追求何种发展环境,以及人类和自然的关系. 讲述某些只知道极端追求利润的人群,大肆建立污染严重的工业,破坏自然环境,造成生态不平衡,伤害人类基本生存的空间!那个时候中国还刚刚开始改革开放. 可能每一个大规模工业化的国家,都要经过这一段痛苦的过程吧. 记得在英国旅行时,坐火车路过曼彻斯特,铁道边的轨道隧道,围墙一片乌黑的,那是几百年来火车烧煤的结果. 几年前回国,已经感受到浙江沿海城镇的工业化污染,飞机降落浦东机场时,夕阳中一片遮目烟尘给我忧伤的迷茫.  如果我昨天提到的政治经济结构相配,可以以全球为目标进行,而不只局限于某个国家或某个区域,那某些污染严重的,在现有科技条件下还没有办法完全改造污染的工业,如果是人类社会必须的,同时又是能够带来超额利润的,可不可以考虑移到污染影响危害少的地区,并对此区域的民众进行一定的补偿?


I saw a Japanese cartoon more than ten years ago, "Princess Mononoke". It talks about the development  that human beings are pursuing, and the relationship between human beings and nature. Telling about some people who only know the extreme pursuit of profit, they are generating serious polluting Industry, destroying the natural environment, causing ecological imbalances and harming the basic survival of human beings!  At that time, China was just beginning to reform and open up. Perhaps every large-scale industrialized country has to go through this painful process. Remember to travel by train in Manchester, the railroad tunnel along the railway, the wall was all black, that was the result of burning coal for trains for hundreds of years. I returned to China a few years ago and I have already felt the industrial pollution of coastal towns in Zhejiang. When the plane landed at Pudong Airport, the sunset caught a sorrowful melancholy. If  like I mentioned yesterday the political and economic structure is matched and can be carried out globally, not limited to a certain country or a certain region, if some of the pollution is serious, there is no way to completely transform the polluting industry under the existing technological conditions, if the society is necessary and at the same time it is capable of generating excessive profits, can it be considered to move to areas with less pollution and less harm, and to compensate the people in this area?


为了经济与当地自然环境相适应,是不是应该限定某些区域内人口, 或工业的密度,使生态和人的居住环境, 以及污染源排量得到有效的控制?发达国家采用这种方法,将这类污染大的工业移到不发达国家,自己保留高端或绿色产业,但这对于全球整体人类是不公平的. 同时也应该看到,中国改革开放初期获利心切,某些领导层知识层次较低,眼光比较短浅,没有全盘考虑经济与生态的和谐. 记得十多年前回上海,有一位市级领导跟我说,他们不让把市中心的某个花园让出来建樓,损失多少亿的利润. 可是他没有这么想,一个城市如果没有地方呼吸,全是密密麻麻的建筑森林,那个城市就像监狱牢笼一样. 而在这样环境里生长的孩子们,怎么可能有自然阳光的笑容呢?怎么可能身心健康地成长啊?就是现在,中国的教育很大一部分价值,还是在追逐升学率,毕业就业利润,是不是平衡应该会更好? 话说回来,在美国的学校像城市建设,社区城市规划的科系,还不招中国的学生. 话说回来, 如果国外学生到中国学校受教育,中国人会开诚布公地教他们那些中国自己开创的政治和经济相结合的成功的经验吗?最近可喜地发现,中国已经越来越重视生态环境的保护和建设,每到一个旅游地,水越来越清,树越来越多,天越来越蓝,.....  可是今年五一节看到旅游景点发来的照片,那人山人海,我又开始头疼了!


In order to adapt the economy to the local natural environment, should we limit the population of certain areas, or the density of industry, so that the ecological and human living environment, as well as the pollution source emissions, can be effectively controlled? Developed countries adopt this method to move such polluting industries to underdeveloped countries and retain high-end or green industries themselves, but this is unfair to the global human being. At the same time, it should also be noted that China’s reform and opening up tried to get  benefit eagerly at the early stage, some leaders have lower levels of knowledge and a shorter perspective. They did not consider the harmony between economy and ecology. I remember going back to Shanghai more than ten years ago, and a city leader told me that they would not let a garden in the city center. If not making a building it would lose hundreds of millions of profits. But he didn't think that if there was no place to breathe in a city, it was a dense forests of buildings. The city would be like a prison cage. What would be the children growing in such an environment? How can  they smile  of natural sunlight? How can they grow up physically and  healthy? It is now that a large part of the value of China’s education is still chasing the rate of enrollment, graduation employment profits, is it better to balance the values? Having said that, in American schools like urban construction, community urban planning, the department does not recruit Chinese students at all. In other words, if foreign students are educated in Chinese schools, will Chinese  openly teach them the politics that China has created successful experience combined with  economy? Recently, it has been gratifying to find that China has paid more and more attention to the protection and construction of the ecological environment. Every time to a tourist destination, the water is getting clearer, the trees are getting more and more, the sky is getting blue, ..... Yet when I saw photos from tourist attractions, and it was a sea of people. I started to have a headache again!






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