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已有 112 次阅读2021-1-20 14:46

大学要与企业合作开拓发展空间, 而不是从校友那儿募捐  Universities should work with companies  for development space, rather than fund-raising from alumni


中国没有美国这样长的资本主义史,而且也不是美国这样子的制度,可以让毕业生毕业以后自行寻找创意投资, 在自由市场上滚爬跌打,可以仅凭一个专利,或小小社交软件,打遍天下!可以雪球般滚到几百亿的身价的!美国这边每个城市都有专门教别人怎么去开创一个小企业, 启动基金不用很多的,并且有政府资金资助或法律帮助的,有时还专门是针对政府项目投标的. 这些讲座有些还是免费的. 但是中国大学里从来不教这些,要让一个中国高校毕业生自己去找这些项目, 把资金, 人力, 物力全都综合起来,风风火火办一番大事, 不是件容易的事!中国大学不应该象国外大学那样,只看见校友的口袋!如果中国大学寻找募捐的话,大学毕业生的超级成功率应该不大,而且中国也没有募捐的习惯. 募捐应该向成功的企业去找,向在某些跟学校专业相关的领域中, 做得出类拔萃的企业去募,因为学校是要向这些企业输送人才的. 就像我以前的大学USC,国防大公司休斯公司就专门捐款建了一幢大楼,因为国防工业需要USC的教授和学生做研究. 


China does not have such a long history of capitalism as the United States, and it is not a system like the United States which allows graduates to find their own creative investment after graduation, and to dance in the free market, with only one patent, or small social software, hit the world! Even can be snowballed to the value of tens of billions! Every city in the United States has a special education organization to teach others how to create a small business. The start-up fund does not need a lot of money, and there are government funds or legal assistance, and sometimes it is specifically for government projects. These lectures are still free. However, Chinese universities have never taught this. It is not easy for a Chinese college graduate to find these projects and integrate all the funds, manpower and material resources. It is not easy to do something big! Chinese universities should not only see the alumna’s pockets as foreign universities do! If Chinese universities are looking for fund-raising, the super success rate of college graduates should be small, and there is no habit of fund-raising in China. Fund-raising should be sought from successful companies, and in the fields related to school majors, The company is going to raise funds because the school is going to send talents to these companies. Just like my former university USC, the big defense company Hughes has donated a building t because the defense industry needs USC professors and students to do research. 

其实对一个学校来说,要办成一流大学,一方面在于外界的捐款,可以将资金用于设立新的教学设施等,但更重要的, 我觉得,对大多数学生来说,可以得益的,是他们毕业以后,能够找到对口的有前途的工作机会,施展他们所学和才华!所以大学应该根据自己的专业,去找相关的研究单位和工业厂家,同时紧密地和他们相联系,不断要求他们提供学生实习给机会,积极地与他们一起做科研项目,同时也可以参与他们的投资办企业,为他们提供技术咨询或者人才输送,同时分享他们的利润. 你看这样子,学校培养的人才就有很多专业对口的职业机会在等待着他们,同时学校又从中可以获得利润. 在此同时,因为学校和在不同领域, 不同行业的很多家的公司, 企业有直接的联系,如果有什么跨行业的合作, 或者是新产品的创意设计,学校就可以马上得心应手调遣资源加以整合,把学校作为一种高层次的人才, 智能, 资源的提供者,是不是远远胜于只是从校友们那儿获得捐款?


In fact, for a school, to be a top-ranking university, on  one hand, it is big donation from  outside world,  used to set up new teaching facilities. But more importantly, I think that for most students, can benefit is after they graduate, they can find a promising job opportunity and show what they have learned and their talents! Therefore, universities should find relevant research units and industrial manufacturers according to their own professions, and at the same time closely contact them, and constantly ask them to provide students with internship opportunities, actively carry out research projects with them, and also participate in their projects. Invest in companies, provide them with technical advice or talent transfer, and share their profits. You see, there are many professional career opportunities for the students who are training in the school, waiting for them, and the school can get profits from it. At the same time, because the school has direct contact with many companies in different fields and industries, if there is any cross-industry cooperation or creative design of new products, the school can immediately deploy resources to integrate. Is school as a high-level talent, intelligence, resource provider, is it better than just getting donations from alumni?


有些行业是新兴的,有些行业是低调的,有些行业需要长时间的介入,眼光不能只在成功的校友身上,应该寻找学校跟专业有关的行业里的校友. 年轻的校友有干劲,是行业里的先锋,但年老的校友更有经验,见多识广. 大学应该有sense, 如果只盯着捐款,再加势利眼的话,能不能办成一流大学,我不知道! 但可以办成一流的出风头大学! 美国的大学,象哈佛这样的综合大学不多,有些非一流的大学,却有一流的系科. 那些系排名甚至超过哈佛斯坦福!中国父母只看重学校的名声,很多学生爬藤进重点大学不怎么样的科系,其实倒不如去二三流大学超一流的科系. 那些超一流的科系,很多是因为他们跟附近的大企业有直接的联系,这就为学生提供实在的学习机会和职业道路! 所以办一流大学,更应该着重于, 和自己相关科系有关的行业中的企业建立联系!反过来,是不是国家应该让那些行业,有可能的话, 都提供实习和与教育界联系的管道. 当教育系统的网和行业的网相重叠的时候,这样的吸引力是可以把全球人才都一网打尽的. 用对人才,你才会发展,才能保持发展!我觉得印度人现在在做全球网罗人才这件事,而中国人还盯着捐款和少数精英.


Some industries are new, some are low-key, and some industries require long-term involvement. The vision is not only for successful alumni, but also for alumni in the industry-related fields. Young alumni are motivated and in the industry. The pioneer, but the old alumni are more experienced and knowledgeable. The university should have a sense. If you only stare at the donation and add snobbery, how can you become a first-class university? I don't know! But you can make a first-class showoff university! There are not many universities in the United States, such as Harvard. Some non-premium universities have first-class departments. Those ranks even exceed Harvard Stanford! Chinese parents only value the reputation of the school. Many students climb the ivy into the major departments of the key universities. In fact, it is better to go to the second-class universities. Those super-class departments are mostly because they are close to the big companies nearby. There is a direct connection, which provides students with real learning opportunities and career paths! Therefore, to run a first-class university, you should focus on establishing contacts with companies in the industries related to your  departments! Conversely, is it that the state should allow those industries, if possible, to provide internships and links to the education community? When the network of education systems overlaps with the industry's network, such an attraction can bring global talents to you. With talent, you will develop and keep developing! I think Indians are setting up network for global talents now, while Chinese are still staring at donations and a few elites.






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