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已有 93 次阅读2021-1-20 00:38 |个人分类:全球化

May 3, 2016 at 1:39 PM




中国几十年积累起来的,在各种经济,文化环境中的发展经验,用比较数字化的模型加以诠释,并以科学的方法和理论的依据, 给予支持证明和阐述.  The development experience accumulated in China in various economic and cultural environments should be interpreted with comparative digital models, and supported by scientific methods and theoretical foundations.


昨天关于王的两篇文章,其中一篇讲到,因为文革的混乱,并且中国经济走到濒临崩溃的边缘,使你深刻考虑如何改变中国的政体,使之适应生产力的发展. “王的治国理论,其实是新加坡模式的翻版,他分析了日本和亚洲“四小龙”经济发展的经验,从中国的实际出发,指出在“民主”和“集中”这两者之间,必须侧重“集中”,也就是说政府权力必须高度集中,才能有效分配当时非常有限的社会资源,才能高速发展经济。这在当时被学者称为“新权威主义”,但是王拒绝使用这个标签,因为王知道共产党只认一个主义,那就是“马列主义”。他的观点被江泽民采纳了,后来被称为“中国特色社会主义”,或“中国模式”,自己也被调到中央,弃学从政,直到今天。江泽民的“三个代表”和胡锦涛的“科学发展观”,据说都与他有关。如果说邓小平是中国改革开放的“总工程师”,将来历史可能会说王是个“副总工程师”。 

Yesterday, two articles about Wang, one of them said that because of the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, and the Chinese economy was on the verge of collapse, Wang thought deeply about how to change China’s political system and adapt it to the development of productive forces. The theory was actually a replica of the Singapore model. Wang analyzed the experience of the economic development of the "Four Little Dragons" in Japan and Asia. Starting from the reality of China, he pointed out that between "democracy" and "concentration", it must focus on "concentration". That was to say, government power must be highly concentrated in order to effectively allocate very limited social resources at that time in order to develop the economy at a high speed. This was called "new authoritarianism" by scholars at the time, but Wang refused to use this label because Wang knew that the Communist Party only recognizes one-ism, that is, "Marxism-Leninism." His views were adopted by Jiang Zemin, and later he was called "socialism with Chinese characteristics" or "Chinese model", and he was transferred to the central government to abandon his studies and politics until today. Jiang Zemin the "three represents" and Hu Jintao's "scientific view of development" were said to be related to him. If Deng Xiao Ping was China's reform and opening "chief engineer", the history of the future  might say Wang is a "deputy chief engineer."






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