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已有 82 次阅读2020-10-25 09:03 |个人分类:创意

Dec 15, 2015 at 10:17 PM

未来智能控制  Future intelligent control


不给我答覆还要我写,不公平哦!我真想变成一条虫,钻到你的脑子里,看看你在想什么?下面是我的想象!这个世界是有电脑来控制的. 这个世界的电网都是相连的,信号可以通过电网,开或关你的机器. 电脑可以创造一些机会,电脑会安排你的生活. 人体中布满各种纳米的粉末,改变电场,体内的粉末就可以让你致命. 你的手机或者你的头脑发出的电磁波可以改变鸟类的飞行也可以控制动物. 总之高级智能控制着所有事物,决定着你的生死. 你也是被安排的吗?好几年前,我已发现中国的文化部门,他所发出的某些信息是和美国同步的,因为有些词语逻辑是英文的思维和用词. 而这又是跟当时世界上其他媒体同步的.

You don't give me a reply but still keep asking me to write, it's not fair! I really want to become a worm, get into your mind and see what you are thinking? Here is my imagination! The world is controlled by computers. The world's power grids are connected, and signals can be turned on or off your machine through the grid. Computers can create opportunities for computers to arrange your life. The human body is covered with various nanometers powder, changing the electric field, the powder in the body can be fatal. The electromagnetic waves emitted by your mobile phone or your mind can change the flight of birds and control animals. In short, advanced intelligence controls everything and determines your life and death. Are you also arranged? A few years ago, I discovered that Chinese cultural sector, some of the information they sent was synchronized with that of United States, because some sentences logical thinking and words are in English thinking and words. This was also in sync with other media in the world at the time.


是不是人工智能现在还停留在低级的阶段,只能对某些初步的感官的事情,比如说这个人漂亮不漂亮,做比较直接的判断.但是对高深的需要很多智能的活动和事情,却没有相应的符合事实的判断力,和活动能力,比如说,在较高的精神层次的思想价值观的理解和交流. 我在想说,也许我也是被安排的. 我遇见你,是让我来给你做精神上的交流, 也许因为你在生活中有这个需要. 看得出你不是一个随便的人. 也许有人在收集我的思维方式来增加电脑的功能. 我像一条无形的小虫进入你的身体,你的脑海,进入你的内心. 我几乎可以看清你每一个骨头每一个神经,我似乎可以看清骨头中的骨髓. 我感受得到如果我触碰的每一块肌肉每一个节点,你会有什么样的反应. 我知道当我在某些节点上加重刺激的时候,比如说我给你分析社会的经济结构的时候,我可以看见你脑海中迸发的电流. 我把你当一个系统来分析, :) 别生气瞎扯的因为很好玩!


Is artificial intelligence now still in the low-level stage, only for some preliminary sensory things, such as decide a person pretty or not, to make a relatively direct judgment. But for  a lot of intelligent activities and things, there is no corresponding judgment that is consistent with the facts, nor the ability , for example, the understanding and exchange of thoughts,values at a higher spiritual level. I am thinking, maybe I am also arranged. I met Wang, let me give you a spiritual exchange, maybe because you have this need in your life. I can see that you are not a irresponsible person. Maybe someone is collecting my way of thinking to increase the function of the computer. I enter your body like an invisible bug, your mind, enter your heart. I can almost see every nerve in every bone of you, I can see the bone marrow in the bones. I feel that if I touch every nodeevery muscle, what kind of reaction you will  have. I know that when I add some stimulation to certain nodes, for example, when I analyze the economic structure of the society, I can see you in your mindthe current  bursts. I treat you as a system to analyze, :) Don't be angry, I am kidding, because it's fun!






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