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我的世界精英社交聚会的创意 (2)

已有 103 次阅读2020-10-25 08:58 |个人分类:全球化

我的世界精英社交聚会的创意  My creative ideas of world elites social gathering (2)


我想一想,有了一个很好玩点子. 光我一个人写,独乐乐,没啥意思,我也要你们大家都参加!我讲给你们听你们看行不行. 上面是我画的一幅画是从中国古诗来的. 我请求王, 我知道你很擅长书法把那首相对应的古诗找出来写一幅诗要印章, 字, 间都齐全噢!要写在好的纸上可以直接放框里的. 还要请求主席的女儿将这首诗用英文翻译出来,当然可以参考别人的文笔!如果有可能,请彭嫲嫲找音乐学院的,把它编成曲子,一是vocal一是instrumental. 告诉他们是好莱坞导演拍片需要.可以让Jackie请Mark Zimmer 润色.  我不知道你们平时有没有社交聚会,还是各顾各. 这次要拜托外长(最有卖相,最擅长人际关系)去打听一下谁有什么特长. 象上次好莱坞大聚会,Jeff 的太太第一次秀她的拿手绝活小提琴独奏Jackie伴奏,惊艳众生. Jeff 好有面子. 然后从诗引伸出音乐,看能否让人演奏,胡哥最会二胡,彭嫲嫲会唱,还可以找克林顿总统来一个萨克斯风,再找小朋友来跳舞. 如果有人物,角色,看能否设计3D, 打印出形象. 

I think about it, and I have a very good idea. If I write alone, only I am happy, it does not mean much, I want you all to participate! I am telling you the ideas and you can't see if itworks . The above is my painting, inspired by Chinese ancient poetry. Well, I ask Master Wang, I know that you are very good at calligraphy, would you find out the corresponding ancient poem, write  poem on a good paper, with completeseal stamping, the name, the time! You can put it directly in the frame. I would also ask Chairman Xi's daughter to translate the poem in English. Of course, she can refer to other people's existing translation! If possible, ask Peng mama to find musicians to make it into music. One is vocal, the other is instrumental. Tell them that Hollywood directors need it for the films. Let Jackie ask Mark Zimmer to polishthem. I don't know if you usually have social gatherings. This time, I would like to ask the foreign minister MrWangthe most popular, best at interpersonal relationship, to find out who has any special skills. Like the last Hollywood big-time party, Jeff's wife first time showed her masterpiece violin solowith Jackies accompaniment, stunning all guests. Jeff was soproud with a good face. Then develop music from the poems to see if you can play them, brother Hu  will play erhu, Peng mama will sing, you can also find President Clinton to play saxophone, and then find the children dancing. If there are people, characters, see if you can design 3D, print out the image.


下面这张是中国顶层企业界人士代表. 期中有我中学同学. 他女儿在纽约读书,告诉我她想回国开餐厅. 我心里觉得,开餐厅不一定要去纽约大学读经济,一年花十万美金. 把上面这些东西准备好,就可以要求各界人士,看谁有特长的,让他们写字绘画摄影做公益弹琴歌唱朗诵表演等等. 有实物的话就说是犹太富翁想收藏那么多名人的东西,收藏起来价值一定不菲,也许以后在什么博物馆可以展出大家在一起聚会雅会把孩子带来让主席女儿负责组织管理. 可以找 Jackie大“情人”大帅哥俄罗斯摄影师负责拍摄!其实我的最终目的是,展现政治人物有光彩的一面,让政治人物也参与一些国内国外名人的社交,提供机会让他们的后代能够互相结识,增加横向联系,让一些退休的政治人物能够有更多的国际活动空间,收集收藏这些名人的有价值物品,想想中国古代八大山人,竹林七贤等等的墨宝也许以后能拍成纪录片,满足大众对权力中心及顶层人物的好奇心 , 很好奇因为领袖人物的魅力而产生心理归依. 随着政治游戏规则改变,也许很多东西并不一定要那么神秘. 我知道那些在 secret clearance 下的生活形态是怎样的. 多一点自由不好吗?对小孩子成长也好啊!你们觉得呢?

The following picture is the representatives of the top business people in China. My high school classmate is in the middle. His daughter is studying in New York and she tells me that she wants to go back to China to open a restaurant. I feel that opening a restaurant does not have to go to New York University to study economy spending $100K a year. When you have prepared these things, you can ask people from all fields see who have special skills, let them write, paint, photography, do public welfare, play the piano, sing, recite, perform and so on. If there is a real thing you can claim that rich Jewish want to collectSo many things from celebrities, the values of the collection must be very valuable, maybe theycan be exhibited in  museums in the future . Elites will meet in the party, bring their children, let the chairman Xis daughter responsible for the organization and management. Can alsofind Jackie's big "Lover", the handsome Russian photographer responsible for filming! In fact, my ultimate goal is to showpublic the brilliance of politicians,  let politicians participate in the socialization of some domestic and foreign celebrities, to provide opportunities for their descendants to get to know each other, increase horizontal ties, and allow some retired politicians to have more  international activities, collecting valuable items from these celebrities, think about the ancient Chinese Ba Dashan Ren cultural groups, the seven sages of the bamboo forest, etc. Maybe in the future, you can make a documentary to satisfy the public's curiosity about the power center and the top level people. I am very curious. Because of the charm of the leaders, there is psychological reconciliation. As the rules of political games change, maybe many things don't have to be so mysterious. I know what life styles are under secret clearance. They want more freedom. OK? Freerenvironment is good for children to grow up! What do you think?


我很高兴听到你们所有人对我的建议说“好”。 对我来说,这是一个小例。 有一次,我甚至说服了Sir他们,那些足智多谋的全能超级强大的竞争对手成为盟友。 (这是真的吗?mnnnnnnn .... aaaaaahhhhh。只有Jackie从教皇和女王那里获得了“嗨”,biarge)据说,Mark Zuckerberg创建Facebook的原因是他感觉到在学校找拍拖对象有问题和需要 。 因此,他创建了社交网络,供人们在虚拟世界中相互联系。 他找到了他的妻子。 但虚拟世界是虚拟世界。 实现是关键。 我的建议是帮助人们走出虚拟世界,站在真正坚实的基础上。 价值观和幸福就在哪里! 这只是一个提案,我有很多提,很多。 如果你真的经营这家公司,也许我可以成为一名战略顾问?协调? 设计师? 你知道我能做什么!


I'm so happy to hear that all of you say "OK" to my proposal. For me, this is a small case. Once I even convinced HIM, THEM, those resourceful Almighty super powerful rivals to Be allies. (Is that true?mnnnnnnn....aaaaaahhhhh. only Jackie got a "Hi" from pope and queen, biarge )  It is said, The reason for Mark Zuckerberg to create Facebook is he felt the problems and the needs on finding dates while in school. So he created the social program for people to connect to each other in the virtual world. And he found his wife. But virtual world is virtual world. Realization is the key. My proposal is to help people get out of the virtual world, stand in the real solid ground. There is where the values and happiness are!  This is only one proposal, I have a lot to offer, a lot. If you really run the business, Maybe I can be a strategic consultant? Coordinator? Designer? U know what I can do !






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