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已有 109 次阅读2020-10-25 08:49 |个人分类:创意

Dec 14, 2015 at 3:17 PM


我的世界精英社交聚会的创意  My creative ideas of world elites social gathering (1)


我有一个非常疯狂的想法,我需要你们所有人的帮助。你知道习近平所居住的中国之地,“中南海”,是一个非常神秘的地方。 多年来,人们只能想象,但对内部的内容一无所知,甚至一无线索。 “中南海”成为中国人民视野中最高权力中心的象征。 每当人们提到这一点时,就意味着钢铁,强大,超级智慧,就像上帝一样。 好奇心是巨大的!但不知怎的,我看到了领导者的不同方面。 我想也许有一天,政治游戏规则会发生变化。 像胡锦涛主席这样的贵族可以享受比尔克林顿这样的自由甚至更多,也许他们可以和托尼·布莱尔一起互相拜访,喝一杯下午茶。 我知道一些中国领导人非常有才华,就像胡总统唱很好,习主席可以跳舞和弹钢琴,擅长中国书法,其他人擅长摄影和乐器。 中国人喜欢看到领导人的魅力。 我的想法是找到一个让他们炫耀的舞台,同时帮助形成社团体,他们可以与国内国际商业领袖,文化名人,政治贵宾等分享他们的兴趣爱好。我最初的提议是在“中南海”里制作一些纪录片, 寻找他们闪亮多彩的个性和特色魅力。 你怎么看? 通过这样做,我真的需要你支持我,所以我可以正式,合法,名义上和有效地向他们提出要求。 因为它来自好莱坞着名导演,犹太流行唱片制作人,亿万富翁。 你怎么看 ?


I have a very crazy idea , I need your help. All of you.  You know in China, where president Xi lives , "zhongNanHai" , is a very very mysterious place. For  years, people can only imagine, but know nothing about what's inside,  not even a clue. "ZhongNanHai" becomes the symbol of the highest power center in Chinese peoples' perspective. Whenever people mention about that, that means steel and iron, powerful, super intelligence, something like God. The curiosity is tremendous! But somehow I saw the different side of the leaders. I'm thinking maybe one day, the political game rules will change. Nobles like president Hu can enjoy some freedom like Bill Clinton. Even more, maybe they can visit each other have a nice cup of afternoon tea, together with Tony Blair. I knew some Chinese leaders are very talented, like president Hu sings very well, president Xi  can dance and play piano, U are good at Chinese calligraphy, others so I'm good at photography and music instruments. Chinese people like to see those charms from the leaders. My idea is to find a stage let them show off,  The same time help to form social groups that they can share their interests with business leaders, cultural celebrities, political VIPs, etc. domestic international.  My initial proposal is to make a documentary movies of those leaders inside "ZhongNanHai". To figure out their shining colorful personality and characteristic charms.  what do you think? By doing so I really need you to back me up, so I can officially, legally, nominally, and efficiently to make requests to them. Because it is from Hollywood famous director, Jewish pop-records maker, billionaires. What do you think ?






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