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发表于 2020-6-3 09:12:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 徐文立 于 2020-6-3 09:30 编辑












“新鮮,薄皮,厚肉質西瓜!”他一次又一次地叫了一聲。 “如果他們不甜或脆,你不付錢!”早在6月4日上午,他在他的供應商的攤位像往常一樣旁邊的前門大街箭樓。突然軍用卡車的線駛過。隨著梆,路燈被拍出來,並屠殺在黑暗中達到了高潮。一波未平一波又起,示威者倒在地上,而其他的分散在四面八方。當他趕到收拾他的車,他的臉被隨機槍擊襲擊。血從他的脖子上射了出去。不久後,他在北京友誼醫院去世。

他在晚上10:30在6月的夜晚離家出走3,約40分鐘後,當他站在外面在Fuxingmenwaidajie 29號大樓,他從解放軍戒嚴部隊擊中野生槍聲,。旁觀者立即帶他到附近的兒童醫院。死亡證明書說,他“在抵達死了。”他在八寶山殯儀館房子被火化。他的骨灰留在家裡。




晚6月3日晚上,不顧自己的人身安全,他通過街頭充滿了沉重的槍聲木樨地幫助他的學生回到校園過去了,當一個流浪子彈穿透他的胸口。他立即進行到復興醫院進行搶救,這證明是無效的。他去世後不久 - 在他的生日,留下一對雙胞胎兒子不太三個月大。


就在他死了 - 晚6月3日的晚上,在木樨地在城市中心 - 他舉起沾滿鮮血的身體和路人問送他的身份證回到他的學校。大學官員確定他的身體,他被火化。他的親戚帶著他的骨灰回到家鄉江蘇安葬。











隨著他沒有身份,他在海軍總醫院宣布死亡,並沒有列為“匿名屍體。 2.“對於超過10天,他的家人找他無處不在,來訪的44家醫院遍布北京。最終,他們發現了“他失踪的情況。”他們帶來了6月19日他的身體回家。

清晨,在木樨地出手,他被列為“匿名屍體沒有。 1“海軍總醫院確定後,他已經死了。他被發現有三槍傷:一個開放的傷口在他的左胳膊,在他的右胸封閉傷口,並在他的頭部右後側封閉傷口。 6月5日,他的家人得知“他失踪的情況。”他們恢復了他的遺體,並讓他們火化,他的骨灰在家休息。


24.王超,男,30歲,北京中關村四通公司的一名員工。王被殺六月的夜晚3.地點和細節尚不清楚。他是在第一次被列為“匿名屍體沒有。 3“由海軍總醫院。


他同時為安吉喪生。他在後面被擊中,並與他的哥哥王爭強一起送到了醫院 - 誰,雖然身負重傷,能夠從他的傷口恢復。













在沿南池子和中國國家博物館,凌晨2點左右在6月4日上午之間的路段時戒嚴部隊和數万北京人之間的對峙,子彈投擲下來,爆炸四大怒波照亮了天空的攻擊。他倒下了,渾身都是血。他在人群中北京協和醫院採取他人。這已經在他的左下肋部進入,上位右肋退出子彈損壞了他的器官八個,包括他的肝,腎,肺,以及傷害他的骨幹。醫生不遺餘力,他的工作時間超過20天,包括四個主要操作和移除腎臟。儘管如此,他的高燒不下去。 6月30日的晚上,他在痛苦中死去。






他在西長安街與南長安街的凌晨2點左右在6月4日的交集被槍殺。 10毫米口徑的子彈走進他的前額,就走出了他的後腦勺留一孔子彈的大小。在6月6日上午,醫院,在政治壓力下,開出了死亡證明,說明他是“意外受傷”。














59.李慧泉,男,35歲,記者在中國冶金新聞北京在6月4日黎明,他在穿過Liubukou南側殺害。沒有細節是已知的。 6月11日,以下線索,他的父母發現他在中國郵電大學醫院的屍體。這是無頭。


61.劉風亙,男,40歲,工人在地質部的鑽採設備廠他的道德和正義感促使他離開老家,晚上10點左右在6月3日晚上,搶救受傷群眾在西單地區。在炮火的密集冰雹,他被擊中三次 - 在他的背上,他的胳膊,他的心臟 - 由千里迢迢穿過他的身體子彈。他在北京二龍醫院死亡。

62. Li Meng, female, 32, assistant researcher at the State Language and Writing Reform Commission
At dawn on June 4th, in a pile of dead bodies, she found her husband, who had been seriously wounded by a dumdum bullet. She took him to a hospital for emergency treatment where he eventually survived. However, she suffered a mental breakdown amidst all the bloodshed. In late 1990, she went missing near her home. Her family looked for her for many years, but they didn't see her alive or find her dead body. Because of this, the Ministry of Public Security issued a “Notice of Death” and canceled her household registration.
63. Bi Yunhai, male, 22, worker at the street committee office at Guang'anmennei in Beijing
He left home on the night of June 3 and did not return. His family found his body the next day at Fuxing Hospital. His abdomen had burst open after being hit by dumdum bullets. His ashes were interred at the Jinshan Cemetery in the western suburbs of Beijing.
64. Liu Hongtao, male, 18, student in the Optical Engineering Department at the Beijing Institute of Technology
At 1 am on June 4th, he was killed near the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities. His school retrieved his body from the Posts and Telecommunications University Hospital.
65. Zhou Xinming, male, 16, student at a certain high school in Beijing
Zhou was killed in the early morning of June 4th. There is little personal information available about him. He is buried in the Jinshan Public Cemetery in the western suburbs of Beijing.
66. Wang Gang, male, 20, technician at the Beijing Coking Plant
The afternoon of June 3, he left home to work the night shift. At 7 am on June 4th, while he was buying breakfast in front of the main gate of the factory, a long line of army trucks screamed by at high speed. Hundreds of people waited on the side for a chance to cross. At this moment, an army truck crashed into the crowd., people screamed and ran off in all directions. Three of them were not able to escape and were crushed to death, including the young technician Wang Gang.
Following the tragedy, the soldiers boarded the vehicle that followed and left. To vent their anger, the frustrated crowd shouted slogans and set the deserted blood-stained military truck on fire.
67. Zhang Lin, male, 37, Beijing resident, personal information unknown
Killed on June 4th. No details are available. His remains were buried in Jinshan Cemetery in the western suburbs of Beijing.
68. Han Ziquan, male, 38, electrician at the University of Technology in Beijing
He was accompany a relative to work a little after 5 am on June 4th. Less than half an hour later, he was hit in the neck and died near the Agricultural Exhibition Center.
69. Li Dezhi, male, 25, graduate student in the Department of Applied Physics in the Beijing Posts and Telecommunications University
He was killed early on the morning of the 4th. No details are available. His relatives retrieved his remains from Fuxing Hospital.
70. Zhou Yongqi, male, 32, head of the motor group at the Beijing Spring Plant
He was shot near the Beijing Union building a little past 11 pm on June 3. The bullet entered the left side of his chest and exited from his right lung. He was sent to Fuxing Hospital for treatment, but it was too late.
71. Nan Huatong, male, 31, driver at the Beijing Wallboard Factory
He left home and took a walk down Chang'an Avenue to see what was happening in the square, around 5 am on the 4th. He never returned. Two days later, his family recognized a photo of his remains at Peking Union Medical College Hospital. A dumdum bullet had entered his left rear shoulder blade and blown out his entire chest cavity.
72. He Anbin, male, 32, Beijing resident, personal information unknown
He was killed on June 4th, no other details are known. His remains were interred at the Taiziyu Public Cemetery in suburban Beijing.
73. Zhong Guiqing, female, 31, Beijing resident, personal information unknown
She was killed on June 4th, no other details are known. His remains were interred at the Taiziyu Public Cemetery in suburban Beijing.
74. Mu Guilan, male, 48, finishing department worker at State Textile Plant No. 3 in Beijing
Going out to buy breakfast around 6:30 am on the 4th, he walked by the Chaoyangmen overpass, where he ran into a long column of tanks and combat vehicles coming from Tong County into town at high speed. Flaunting their strength, they randomly took shots at pedestrians streaming by. A slug coming in from an angle at his head killed him instantly. After the scene calmed down, a pedestrian took his picture and mailed it to his family.
75. Xiong Zhiming, male, 20, student in the Economics Department of Beijing Normal University
According to several eyewitnesses, he and a female classmate had taken refuge in an alley, but a group of soldiers pursued them and shot them – it was the night of June 3. He turned around to help his classmate, who was hit first, when he, too, was shot. He was subject to a bloody and brutal attack that spared no part of his body. His other classmates only recognized him by his clothing.
76. Zhang Weihua, male, 24, master's student at the State Oceanographic Administration Marine Forecasting Center in Beijing
Early on the morning of June 4th, he was hit in the abdomen by a bullet on Lishi Road and died on the spot.
77. Zhang XX, male, 19, student in business management at the College of Commerce
Soldiers attacked him, and the long line of students retreating from Tiananmen to Liubukou, with clubs, early on the morning of the 4th. He turned and ran, but received a blow to the top of his head. He fell to the ground. A gun barrel was lowered to his throat and fired. Fresh blood spurted and splashed. He stopped breathing while people were carrying him to the Beijing Emergency Medical Center.
78. Gong Jifang, female, 19, student in business management at the College of Commerce
In the long line of students retreating from Tiananmen to Liubukou on the morning of the 4th, she ran into a fierce attack. A dumdum bullet hit and severed her left arm. She fell down, covered by a cloud of poision gas, and lost consciousness. The cause of death, given on her death certificate, was lung erosion caused by poison gas.
79. Jiang XX, male, 26, master's student at the China School of Journalism
He was shot and killed in Jianguomenwai on the evening of June 3.
80. Liu Chunyong, male, 24, bath attendant at the Nantong Service Complex in the Tianqiao district of Beijing
On the evening of June 3, Liu was at the main terminal for the No. 15 bus line, near the Tianqiao district, when a spray of bullets from PLA troops advancing from the south hit him. His head was blown open.
81. Chen Laishun, male, 23, photography class in the Journalism Department at Renmin University
On the evening of June 3, on the roof of an apartment on the western side of the Great Hall of the People, he raised his camera to record the bloodbath when he was shot in the head by a marksman's bullet. He died instantly.
82. Liang Baoxing, male, 25, driver for the Huafeng Sewing Machine Factory in Beijing
On the evening of June 3, near the terminal for the No. 15 bus, near the Tianqiao district, a bullet went through his cheeks. He died on June 5.
83. Luan Yiwei, male, 35, engineer at the Steel Design Research Institute in Baotou, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region
During the pre-dawn hours of June 4th, Luan, who had come to Beijing on a business trip, went to Nanchizi area to see the street scene amidst clouds of gunsmoke. He was hit in the waist by a stray bullet. He died at Tongren Hospital after emergency treatment failed.
84. Su Jinjian, male, 25, graduate in electronics from the Beijing Vocational High School and self-employed clothing entrepreneur
Under circumstances still unknown, he was hit in the head by a bullet on the night of June 3 and taken to Beijing Friendship Hospital, where he soon died. The hospital labeled him “anonymous corpse no. 1.” His father spent two weeks searching for him at dozens of hospitals.
85. Zhang Luohong, female, 30, employee at the Beijing General Political Department Sanatorium for Retired Cadres
She was killed on the night of June 3 in Muxidi, details unknown.
86. Wang Zhiying, male, 35, lathe operator and well-known “model worker” at the heavy vehicle manufacturing factory's drive axle factory of the Beijing Third General Machinery Factory
He and his wife were going at midnight on June 3 from his mother-in-law's home in the Xuanwumen District back to their own home in Dongzhushikou. Almost home, just as they were crossing the intersection, they ran into martial law troops heading north and sweeping the streets with gunfire. Though the couple tried to dodge the bullets, and then to hide behind a van, a bullet drilled into him from the side, hitting his carotid artery.
His wife screamed and threw herself on top of him. But the bullets were still flying, as the soldiers filled the van with holes. He was sent to the Qianmen Hospital, but could not be helped because of all the people who were being treated. He died due to massive blood loss, the first victim that night to die at Tongren Hospital.
87. Wang Hongqi, male, 21, worker at the Leather Research Institute in the Haidian District of Beijing
At midnight on June 3, Wang finished his shift and was returning home when a bullet went through his chest. The next day, the family received a phone call from an eyewitness and went to the Navy Hospital to identify and recover his remains.
88. Li Shuzhen, female, 51, cafeteria worker at a certain work unit of the Beijing Water Supply Company
Li and her husband went out on their bicycles on the night of June 3. Near the Military Museum they were attacked by martial law snipers. Three bullets hit her. On the way to emergency treatment at the Posts and Telecommunications University Hospital, she stopped breathing.
89. Ma Chengfen, female, 55, retired cadre of the People's Liberation Army General Political Department in Beijing. Ma had joined the PLA in 1949, then crossed the Yalu River to fight in the Korean War. In 1953, after the war, she returned to China and became a PLA railroad engineer corps soldier.
As was her habit during the summertime, she went out with neighbors on the night of June 3 to relax in the cool courtyard of the compound where she lived. She was in high spirits when disaster struck. Bullets from a passing convoy struck her in the abdomen. Her intestines spilled out on the floor. This accidental murder deeply shocked her husband. Several times he wrote letters to higher authorities, in accordance with military regulations, to report on this unjust situation. He wanted the matter to be examined, but it was like throwing a rock into the ocean. There were no two ways about it. In an instant, this outstanding servant of the People's Republic had become a disgrace to the People's Republic. In 1992, the family had her buried at their own expense in the Jinshan Public Cemetery in Beijing.
90. Guo XX, male, 22, Beijing resident, personal details unknown
A little past 9 pm on June 3, he was shot and killed at the intersection of Fuxing Road and Yongding Road. The details are unclear.
91. Yang Zhenjiang, male, 32, service worker at the Huaiyangchun Restaurant in Beijing
On the early morning of June 4th, Yang and some colleagues ran into fierce sprays of bullets from army trucks passing through Muxidi. A bullet hit Yang in the base of his left thigh, breaking an artery. He was sent to the Navy Hospital for emergency treatment that proved ineffective. It wasn't until June 6 that Yang's family found his body. His cremated remains were stored in the Columbarium at the Wan'an Public Cemetery.
92. Li Li, female, 20, student at the Chengdu Electronics and Communications Engineering Institute in Sichuan
She went with her boyfriend on the morning of the 4th to the square by South Renmin Road in Chengdu. Suddenly, conflict broke out between the People's Armed Police anti-riot squad and a large crowd of demonstrators. The police threw several tear gas grenades to disperse the crowd. Li was caught as she fled the plaza, beaten by police and fainted. Soon the crowd took her to the hospital for emergency treatment, but her wounds were too serious and she died that night. Her school held a memorial meeting for her. Her parents came from Guizhou to retrieve her ashes so they could be buried in her hometown.
93. Kou Xia, female, 31, teacher at the Xisibei Nursery School, Beijing
During the night of June 3, while she was walking on the sidewalk across the street from the Military Museum, a bullet went through her abdomen. She was immediately sent to the Railroad Hospital for emergency treatment but could not be saved. She died at 5 pm on June 4th.
94. Han Qiu, male, 25, salesperson in the sales department in Jiamusi City Nailery in Heilongjiang
He came to Beijing on business in the late period of the student strike. Early on the morning of June 4th, he was shot in the head at an unknown location.
95. Liu Jinhua, female, 34, employee at the Third Cadre Retirement Home of the People's Liberation Army General Political Department in Baishiqiao, Beijing
At 9 pm on June 3, she went with her husband from their home in Balizhuang to Yongdingmenwai, to her aunt's home, to get medicine for their child. While passing through Xidan, the couple ran into martial law troops who were slaughtering innocent people and returned home. They waited until 11 pm and went out again, and again ran into the gunfire of martial law troops, this time near Yanjing Hotel in Muxidi. Pedestrians fell one by one. The couple fled into a small alley next to Muxidi Building 21. The soldiers chased them, still shooting. Shot in the forehead, she died instantly. Her husband, hit by several bullets, was seriously wounded. He was taken to the hospital and saved.
96. Wang Tiejun, male, age unknown, employee in the Muxidi passenger office of the Beijing Railway Bureau.
He was worked the night shift at his work unit on June 3. Out of curiosity, he went up the roof with a telescope to watch the martial law troops enter the city. A sharpshooter saw him and killed him with one shot.
97. Huang Tao, male, age unknown, a university student in Beijing from Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu
Huang was killed in the early morning hours of June 4th, details unknown.
98. Tao Zhigan, male, 24, a university student in Beijing from Tiantan County in Zhejiang.
Tao was killed in the early morning hours of June 4th, details unknown.
99. Xu Jianping, male, 19, a university student in Beijing. Personal details unknown.
Xu was killed during the pre-dawn hours of June 4th. Bullets blew away half his face and then he was flattened by a tank. His flesh and bones were inlaid into the street.
100. He Guo, male, 27, worker at a grain shop in the Yuetan Street neighborhood of Beijing
Killed at midnight on June 3, or in the predawn hours of June 4th. He was shot and killed as he passed through Muxidi. His remains were found at Fuxing Hospital.
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