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意大利版“好声音”落幕 修女夺冠

发表于 2014-3-31 19:17:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ace 于 2014-6-7 09:11 编辑


    一名来自义大利西西里岛的年轻修女在义大利版的「星光大道」─The Voice 上,穿著修女服高唱美国当代节奏蓝调歌手艾莉西亚凯斯的作品,令观众跌破眼镜,裁判眼球则差点没掉出来。在YouTube的点击率目前已近4千万,创下YouTube点击新纪录。

  25岁的克丝蒂娜史卡西亚(Sister Cristina Scuccia ) 修女,是在修道院其他数位年长的修女陪同下,参加这项歌唱节目的。她的歌声不但获得评审一致激赏,其中一名裁判更询问克丝蒂娜,「妳真的是一名修女吗?」,她回答说:「是的,我真的是一名修女,我有一份礼物,我来这里是为了要把这份礼物送给你。」。


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-31 19:44:51 | 只看该作者
Sister Cristina Scuccia's got soul—in more ways than one!

The 25-year-old Catholic nun brought her Godly gifts The Voice Italy, wowing the audience during blind auditions with her rendition of Alicia Keys' "No One."

All four coaches were visibly shocked when they turned around and saw Sister Christina for the first time wearing a black habit and silver cross. Coach Raffaella Carrà, an Italian singer, asked Cristina if she was actually a nun. "Yes," she replied, per Catholic News Agency, "I am truly, truly a sister."

"I came here because I have a gift, and I want to share that gift," she continued. "I am here to evangelize."

Cristina, a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, chose J-Ax, an Italian rapper, "because I told myself that if they turned around, I would choose the first one."

He seemed please, joking, "If I had found you at Mass I would always be in church. You and me are like the devil and holy water."

Sister Cristina is now advancing to the battle rounds on Team J-Ax. When asked what the Vatican would think of her performance, she quipped, "I hope that Pope Francis will call me now."
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-7 09:10:56 | 只看该作者
意大利版“好声音”落幕 修女夺冠




Singing nun Sister Cristina Scuccia wins 'The Voice of Italy'

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