Ahnaa 发表于 2024-1-8 19:34:03


12月28日,恰逢故宫文物南迁90周年之际,由故宫、人民日报《国家人文历史》杂志社主办,中国移动咪咕公司承办的“国宝的长征——故宫文物南迁纪念展”首展于上海市历史博物馆拉开帷幕。On December 28th, coinciding with the 90th anniversary of the southward relocation of the National Palace Museum, the first exhibition of "The Long March of National Treasures - Memorial Exhibition of the Southward Relocation of National Palace Museum Cultural Relics" was opened at the Shanghai Municipal Museum of History, hosted by the Forbidden City and the People's Daily National Humanities History Magazine, and hosted by China Mobile Migu. The first exhibition of "Long March of National Treasures - Commemorative Exhibition of Relics Moving South from the Forbidden City" was opened in Shanghai History Museum.“国宝的长征——故宫文物南迁纪念展”是咪咕公司携手文博顶级IP共同打造的数字化展览标杆案例,提供从展陈策划、内容制作到搭建执行、商业运营的全流程服务能力。本次展览工作的阶段性成果,充分彰显了中国移动作为大型央企的政治站位、政治责任和政治意识,以及中国移动咪咕公司作为新媒体国家队所应具有的良好风貌和责任担当。未来,咪咕公司将围绕数字中国、文化强国战略部署,持续探索数智科技与历史记忆、文化遗产的深度融合,以数字体验为载体,阐释并传承文化内涵和价值,铸牢中华民族共同体意识,增强文化自信,传承历史文脉。
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